Small Grants Programme, 4th Operational Phase

AnnexesExecutive Summary (Revised)Project DocmentProject Document for WP (Revised)Request for endorsement
The goal of the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) is to secure global environmental benefits in the areas of biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, protection of international waters, prevention of land degradation, and phasing out of persistent organic pollutants through community-based initiatives and action. The SGP rationale is the belief that local solutions to global environmental problems exist and have been successfully implemented through the programme. -

World Bank-GEF Investment Fund for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Partnership, Tranche 1, 2nd Installment

Executive Summary (Revised)Project Document for WPProject Document for WP (Revised)
The main objective of the proposed World Bank-GEF Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the Mediterranean Sea is to facilitate the recipient countries of the Mediterranean Sea basin in implementing their top transboundary priority pollution reduction and habitat protection measures and contribute to reversing the degradation of this large marine ecosystem and its freshwater basins.

CACILM: Central Asia Countries Initiative for Land Management (CACILM) Multicountry Partnership Framework Support Project-under CACILM Partnership Framework, Phase 1

Executive Summary (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)
(This support project is part of the CACILM/CMPF. This review is supplemental to the review at ID # 2504). OBJECTIVE. The overall objective of the CMPF Support Project is the same as that for the CMPF, which is the restoration, maintenance, and enhancement of the productivity of land in the CACs, leading to improve economic and social well-being of those who depend on these resources, while preserving the environmental functions of these lands in the spirit of UNCCD.

CACILM: Partnership Framework - Land Improvement Project

Executive Summary (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Request for CEO Endorsement
This project is part of the CACILM program partnership. Program details can be found under PMIS 2504. The objective of the Land Improvement Project (LIP), supported by ADB, the Uzbekistan Government and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), is to arrest and reverse land degradation and improve the livelihood of farmer households through the adoption of sustainable land management practices on a significant scale and in a manner that makes it possible for project benefits to accrue beyond the immediate project area.

CACILM: Rangeland Ecosystem Management-under CACILM Partnership Framework, Phase 1

MSP Project Document for CEO Approval
The project’s long-term goal is to enhance the enabling environment and capacity for arresting land degradation and establishing sustainable land management practice of the rangeland ecosystem(s) and its services through conservation and sustainable use, so as to contribute to enhancing ecosystem health, integrity, functions and services while promoting sustainable livelihoods in Kazakhstan The project’s objective is to build capacity of the institutions for development and implementation of a coherent land policy and to promote sustainable and viable traditional pastureland management syst

CACILM: Demonstrating Local Responses to Combating Land Degradation and Improving Sustainable Land Management in SW Tajikistan-under CACILM Partnership Framework, Phase 1

Project Document for CEO Approval
GOAL The project will contribute towards the achievement of the following long-term goal: “The improvement of the sustainability of arid climate irrigation land management in Tajikistan in order to safeguard the livelihoods and economic well-being of rural populations and the functional integrity of national ecosystems” The project will, through local on-ground pilot activities, test and demonstrate replicable ways in which rural farmers and communities can address key land degradation and livelihood problems.

CACILM: Capacity Building and on-the-ground Investments for Integrated and Sustainable Land Management - under CACILM Partnership Framework, Phase 1

PDF Evaluation ReportPDF-A DocumentProject Document for CEO Approval
The long term perspective of the project is to overcome the existing inconsistencies and disconnections between the policy framework for land management and actual needs of land users by initiating a participatory dialogue with involvement of the key ministries, local government and local land users. This will create an enabling environment for improvement of land use and for investment in SLM.