LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Niue

3213 Niue SLM Terminal Evaluation Report FInal_4Apr13Niue SLM Terminal Evaluation Report FInal_4Apr13
This project has been submitted for technical approval under the UNDP/GEF LDC and SIDS Targeted Portfolio Approach For Capacity Development and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management (PMIS 2441). The project will contribute towards the achievement of the following long term goal which is the sustainable management of Niue’s unique natural terrestrial resources while at the same time promoting sustainable productive systems contributing to the social well being of its present and future generations.

Reducing Climate Change-induced Risks and Vulnerabilities from Glacial Lake Outbursts in the Punakha-Wangdi and Chamkhar Valleys

AnnexesBriefPDF-B DocumentPDF-B Document (Revised)PIF Document for Nov 2007 WPProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Concept and PDF-B Document (Revised)Request for CEO Endorsement
This project was identified by the National Adaptation Programme of Action of Bhutan as a national priority to address the adverse impacts of climate change. Its goal is to enhance adaptive capacity to climate change-induced disaster impacts in Bhutan. As a contribution to the achievement of this goal, the project objective is to 'reduce climate change-induced risks and vulnerabilities from glacial lake outbursts in the Punakha-Wangdi and Chamkhar Valleys.'

LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Legal and Institutional Capacity Building to Combat Land Degradation and Deforestation in Democratic Republic of Congo

The project’s long-term goal isto contribute to the mitigation of land degradation and promotion of ecosystem integrity and stability, with enhanced ecological functions and services through capacity development and mainstreaming of sustainable land management. Its overall objective is to strengthen DRC’s national institutional and human resource capacity to combat land degradation in DRC.

Establishing Sustainable Liquid Biofuels Production Worldwide (A Targeted Research Project)

CEO MSP Approval letterLetter to CouncilPIF Document (Revised)STAP Review
: To identify and fully assess innovative, cost-effective, and sustainable systems for the production of liquid biofuels for transportation and stationary applications, in order to enable the GEF to set clear policies and priorities in this area and embark on investment-oriented projects.

Conservancy Adaptation Project

Executive Summary (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project ConceptProject Document for WP (Revised)Request for CEO Endorsement
The objective of the proposed Conservancy Adaptation Project is to help the Government of Guyana adapt to global climate changes by mitigating the country’s vulnerability to flooding. The proposed project will help protect the coastal population currently vulnerable to annual flooding and at risk of losing their homes and means of economic production.