LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in the FSM

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Long-term Goal: The mitigation of land degradation and promotion of ecosystem integrity and stability, with enhanced ecological functions and services through capacity and policy development and mainstreaming of sustainable land management. Project Objective: To strengthen capacity of people and institutions and establish an enabling and conducive environment for; sustainable land management, more effective participation by stakeholders, better utilization of scientific and socio-economic data and enhanced capacities to address priority land degradation issues.

LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity building and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management in Saint Lucia

3500 Terminal Evaluation GEF LDC-SIDS SLM Saint LuciaTerminal Evaluation GEF LDC-SIDS SLM Saint Lucia
The long-term goal of this project therefore is to ensure sustainable management of the land resources of St. Lucia in order to enhance ecosystem health, integrity, stability, functions and services while contributing directly to the environmental, economic and social well-being of the people of Saint Lucia. The specific objective is to strengthen capacity for sustainable land management at the individual and institutional level and to mainstream SLM concepts into national development strategies and policies.

LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management for Mitigation of Land Degradation in Palau

3501 Final-Report-Palau-11Oct-MASTER-undpFinal-Report-Palau-11Oct-MASTER-undp
This proposed project will: i.Strengthen Palau’s institutional and human resource capacity to improve sustainable and equitable land management planning and implementation; ii.Strengthen Palau’s regulatory, policy, and economic framework to facilitate equitable and wider adoption and implementation of sustainable land management practices across sectors; and iii.Improve the economic productivity of land through sustainable management and strengthen the preservation and/or restoration of ecosystem stability, functions, and services with equitable participation of vulnerable communitie

LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building and Mainstreaming for Sustainable Land Management in Vanuatu

3502 Final Terminal Evaluation SLM Vanuatu Report 1 August 20123716_Final Terminal Evaluation SLM Vanuatu Report 1 August 2012
The objectives of the project are to improve the system of land administration and decision-making and ensure that Government at the highest level considers the long-term environmental health of land resources and the adverse effects of land degradation when making economic and development decisions; and to build capacity for SLM horizontally across sectors and vertically from the individual landowner, to community leaders, to provincial and national governments.