SFM: Integrated Community-based Forest and Catchment Management through an Ecosystem Service Approach (CBFCM)

Gov Endorsement LtrPIF Document for WPI (Revised)STAP Review
To create an enabling policy and institutional environment for scaling-up of integrated community-based forest and catchment management (CBFCM) practices through harnessing of innovative financing mechanisms in Thailand

SFM: Revitalization of Mongolia's Protected Areas through Effective Forest Management of Bogd Khan Uul

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document
To increase public engagement in the management of BKU-SPA as a catalyst to increase government and private sector support to the national protected area system as measured by the following four outcome indicators:
•Establishment, and increasing membership, of a ‘Friends of BKU-SPA’
• BKU-SPA Protected Area Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool score increases from 49 at project Effectiveness to 80 by Close (See PAD Annex 18)
• The annual State budget allocation to the national protected area system increases by more than the rate of inflation or GDP growth

SFM: Carbon Benefits Project (CBP): Modeling, Measurement and Monitoring

Endorsement lettersPIF Document (Revised)
The objective of this project is to help the GEF promote and prove carbon as a global environmental benefit in SLM interventions by providing a cost effective, user-friendly, yet scientifically rigorous methodology for modeling, measuring and monitoring carbon and GHG mitigation benefits in GFF projects dealing with natural resources in all climate zones and land use systems.

SFM Rehabilitation of Forest Landscapes and Degraded Land with Particular Attention to Saline Soils and Areas Prone to Wind Erosion

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentGEFID3450_2021PIR_FAO_Iran_RAPGEFID3450_2023PIR_FAO_IranGEFID3450_MTR_FAO_IranGEFID3450_PIR2022_FAO_Iran_RAPGEFID3450_TER Tracking Tool_FAO_IranGEFID3450_TER_FAO_IranGEFID3450_Tracking Tools_MTR_FAO_IranPIF Document (Revised)PPG Document (Revised)Project Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)_3450_2019PIR_FAO_Iran
To remove barriers to participatory integrated SLFM by: (i) strengthening capacity of local communities, provincial and local institutions to plan, implement and evaluate participatory and integrated SLFM initiatives at the village and watershed scales (ii) adoption and implementation of the defined plans including sustainable alternative livelihood options with socio-economic and environmental benefits sustaining ecosystem services and (iii) enhancing capacity at local and national levels to mainstream these approaches into national plans, policies and processes

LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in the Dominican Republic

3456 TE_Report_Dominican_Republic_AF_Final_DraftTE_Report_Dominican_Republic_AF_Final_Draft
The project objective is an improved system, institutional, and individual capacity to coordinate, implement, sustain, and evaluate Sustainable Land Management options to reverse desertification and land degradation processes in the Dominican Republic.

Promoting Sustainable Transport Solutions for East Africa

3461_2019_TE_UNEP_REGIONAL_CCM_FSP_Sustainable_Transport_East AfricaEndorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document for WPIPPG Document (Revised)STAP Review
Increase awareness of and support for the implementation of sustainable transport solutions, amongst policy makers, stakeholders and the general public in East Africa and beyond, by providing technical assistance and institutional support for the design and implementation of inter-related sustainable transport system in the three capital cities of Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia.

National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change (NAPA) Formulation Project

Project Document for CEO Approval
The Specific objectives are: 1.To set up Institutional structure for the preparation of the NAPA document 2.To conduct participatory assessment of vulnerability to current climate variability 3.To identify key climate change adaptation measures and develop proposals for priority activities to address the adverse effects of climate change 4.To prepare the NAPA document in the format established by the COP 5.To have the NAPA document endorsed by the national Parliament, Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister 6.To disseminate the final NAPA document to the public.