MENARID Integrated Nature Resources Management in the Middle East and North Africa Region (PROGRAM)

One-time Cancellation letterPPG DocumentProgram DocumentSTAP Review
The overall objective will be twofold: Promoting integrated SLM in the drylands of the MENA region while improving the economic and social well-being of the targeted communities through the restoration and maintenance of ecosystem functions and productivity.

Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings

PIF Document (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Request for CEO Endorsement
The project intends to reduce the energy consumption in new buildings in Kyrgyzstan by 30-40% by: adopting and enforcing internationally recognized building energy performance codes, standards and labels (the Energy Pass); demonstrating the feasibility and viability of an integrated design approach for energy efficiency in public buildings; building capacity of the building and construction professionals to implement the new legislation; and establishing a monitoring agency to help regulate energy usage and CO2 emissions in the building sector.

LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacitiy Building in and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management in Cambodia

The project will contribute towards the achievement of the following long-term goal: The agricultural, forest and other terrestrial land uses of Cambodia are sustainable, productive systems that maintain ecosystem productivity and ecological functions while contributing directly to the environmental, economic and social well-being of the country. The objective of the project is to strengthen the enabling environment for sustainable land management while ensuring broad-based political and participatory support for the process.

SFM Extending the Coastal Forests Protected Area Subsystem

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document (Revised)PPG DocumentSTAP Screening
The aim of the project is to strengthen biodiversity management fundamentals within the Protected Area network in Tanzania. This project addresses the Coastal Forests which are arguably the most threatened of all hotspots ecosystems in Tanzania and Zanzibar islands. The governance framework is going to be deeply revised at national and district levels to extend the Protected Area network.

Implementing NAPA Priority Interventions to Build Resilience in the Agriculture and Water Sectors to the Adverse Impacts of Climate Change

PIF Document (Revised)PPG Document (Revised)
To implement an urgent set of measures that will minimize and reverse the food insecurity and enhance adaptive capacity of small-scale farmers and pastoralists resulting from climate change, including variabilities in 5 vulnerable regions

LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Burundi

Long-term Goal: Contribute to the mitigation of land degradation and promote ecosystem integrity and stability, with enhanced ecological functions and services by building national and local capacity and mainstreaming SLM issues into national development strategies and policies. Overall Objective: To strengthen the enabling environment for sustainable land management while ensuring broad-based political and participatory support for the process.

LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Sustainable Land Management

3432 ZERO Draft FE Report V2(Autosaved) (2)ZERO Draft FE Report V2(Autosaved) (2)
Project Goal: Improved capacity in SLM contributes to ecosystem health and functionality while at the same time enhancing the livelihoods of particularly the rural populations. Project Objective: Capacity developed for sustainable land management for key SLM stakeholders and sustainable land management principles mainstreamed into national policies, plans and processes.