SPWA-CC: Togo Efficient Lighting Program

3880-P115066-P113415-WB-TE-TogoEndorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document for WPI (Revised)Project Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project document (PAD)STAP Screening Report
The overall goal of this project is to introduce energy efficiency and quality standards for efficient light bulbs in Togo through consumers’ awareness and a bulk procurement scheme. The project will result in GHG emissions reduction from the energy saved through the use of efficient equipment.

SPWA-CC: Promoting of Appliance Energy Efficiency and Transformation of the Refrigerating Appliances Market in Ghana.

Endorsment letterPIF Document for WPI (Revised)PPG Document (Revised) signed
To improve the energy efficiency of appliances manufactured, marketed and used in Ghana through the introduction of a combination of regulatory tool such as Minimum Energy Performance Standards and Information Labels (S&L), and innovative economic tools. Domestic refrigeration appliances will be the first end-use to be tackled, with a specific focus to address ozone depleting substances contained in the current stock of equipment.

Safe PCB Management Programme in Morocco, Pillar II

AnnexesPIF Document-WPI (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Concept and PDF-B Document (Revised)Request for CEO EndorsementRequest for CEO Endorsement UNDP
The project aims to reduce the negative effects of PCBs to human health and the environment by establishing the in-the-country capacity to treat and dispose of 3,000 tons of PCB-contaminated oils and 2,000 tons of PCB-contaminated electrical equipment and related PCB wastes.

Agusan River Basin Integrated Water Resources Management

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document for WPI (Revised)PPG Document (Revised)STAP Screening Report
Improve water resource management, with government and the community working in partnership, to raise the quality and productivity of rivers and wetlands, sustain the natural biodiversity, and improve the productivity of the forest and agricultural lands in the Agusan River basin (ARB).