Building Capacity for Regionally Harmonized National Processes for Implementing CBD Provisions on Access to Genetic Resources and Sharing of Benefits

The objectives of the project are to: (1) strengthen the capacity of Southeast Asian countries to implement the CBD provisions on ABS through the development of full and effective national ABS frameworks; (2) increase understanding of ABS issues among stakeholders and the general public and strengthen national capacity for country negotiators to have full understanding of issues and preferred options in the negotiation on the international ABS regime in a way that protects national interests and promotes equitable benefit sharing; and (3) improve public understanding of the contribution ABS

Development of a National Clearing House Mechanism and Capacity Assessment for Taxonomy and Indigenous Knowledge(Add-on) (New title as of March 19, 2009)

Project Document (for CEO Approval)
The GEF Biodiversity Add-On Project has 3 main objectives:

(i) Objective 1:
To establish and operationalise a CHM to improve information sharing and management and to enhance implementation of Article 18 on scientific and technical cooperation within and between countries, for effective implementation of the CBD. The CHM will help Uganda to report on progress towards the CBD 2010 target through better identification, compilation and effective use of information on biodiversity.
(ii) Objective 2:

Strengthening the Implementation of Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing Regimes in Latin America and the Caribbean

(1): To strengthen the capacity of countries to develop, implement and apply the CBD provisions related to access to genetic resources and benefit sharing as well as to traditional knowledge associated to these resources. (2): To increment the understanding and the negotiation skills of countries regarding ABS agreements /contracts, in a way that will contribute to align bioprospecting projects and national ABS decisions with the CBD, while also benefit progress under the CBD's International ABS Regime

BS:UNEP-GEF Project for Continued Enhancement of Building Capacity for Effective Participation in the BCH II

PIF Document for WPI (Revised)Project Document (for CEO Approval - REVISED)STAP Review
To continue assisting eligible countries in strengthening national capacities to effectively access and use the Biosafety Clearing House (BCH), promoting regional and sub-regional collaboration, networking and exchange of experience for national and regional BCH management.

Sustainable Financing and Management of Eastern Caribbean Marine Ecosystems

3858 TEEndorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document for WPI (Revised)
To contribute to enhancing the long-term sustainability of protected area networks in the OECS region, by (i) establishing sustainable financing mechanisms; (ii) strengthening marine protected area networks; and (iii) deploying a regional monitoring and information system for protected area networks.

CTI: Partnerships for Biodiversity Conservation: Mainstreaming in Local Agricultural Landscapes

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document for WPI (Revised)
To demonstrate how Local Government Units (LGUs), with enhanced capacities, and working together with local and national partners, can plan and manage economic activities and growth in ways that meet landscape-level biodiversity conservation and sustainable use objectives in critical biogeographic regions