Technology Need Assessment on Climate Change

CEO Endorsement Letter to CouncilEndorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document for WPI (Revised)STAP Review
The proposed project development objective is to enhance client capacity to assess climate mitigation and adaptation technology needs and to adopt global best practices. It will do this by supporting China's efforts, within the context of the international climate change agenda, to assess mitigation and adaptation technology needs, build capacity and technology networks, and conduct pilot technology transfer programs.

Promoting Ecotourism to Strengthen the Financial Sustainability of the Guatemalan Protected Areas System (SIGAP)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document for WPI (Revised)PPG DocumentSTAP Review
To strengthen the financial sustainability of Guatemala’s Protected Areas System (SIGAP) by developing new financing vehicles within the developing ecotourism sector, while ensuring the alignment of ecotourism activities with biodiversity conservation objectives.

MED: Integrated Coastal Zone Management-Mediterranean Coast

4198 ICRCEO endorsement request document FINALPIF Document for WPIPPG Document (Revised)PPG appproval letterReview Sheet (PDF)STAP Review
The objective of the project is to pilot the application of an integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) approach in the project areas on the eastern Mediterranean coast of Morocco. ICZM implemented at local level by all users of the coastal resources will leverage rural pollution reduction and protection of biodiversity and ecologically sensitive areas.

Leopards and Landscapes: Using a Flagship Species to Strengthen Conservation in the Republic of Yemen

PIF Document for WPI (Revised)PPG documentReview Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)
Using the conservation of a flagship species in order to strengthen the protected area network in Yemen including the proposed Dhofar – Hawf TBCA, and thus resulting in the creation of a conservation constituency in Yemen.

Removing Barriers to Energy Efficiency Improvements

PIF Document for WPI
The overall objective of this activity is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the household, government, commercial sectors and some selected industrial sub-sectors. The GHG reduction will be achieved through the adoption of energy efficient technologies and electric appliances in these sectors, enabled by the market-based mechanisms, regulatory tools and institutional capacity developed under the project activities.

MED: Regional Technical Assistance and Capacity Building for the Promotion of Treated Wastewater Reuse in the Mediterranean /MENA Countries

PIF Document for WPI (Revised)STAP Review (PDF)
Project Objective: is to promote wastewater treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean and MENA region through technical assistance for policy strengthening, facilitating investments in technologies and their adoption, demand promotion and building local capacity.

Sustainable Urban Transport in Chiang Mai

CEO Endorsement Request (Revised)Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document for WPIProject document
The main project development objective is to improve the technical capacity of CMM for sustainable urban transport development, through technical support on integrated land use and sustainable urban transport planning and pilot demonstration of NMT improvement. This is expected to lead to increased role of more effective and less energy-intensive forms of urban travel including an improved public transport system and NMT (walking, bicycles, bicycle taxis), which will in turn result in long-term reduction of vehicular greenhouse gas emissions.