PAS: Geothermal Power and Electricity Sector Development Project

PIF Document for WPI revised
The overall development objective of the WB-supported Vanuatu Geothermal Power and Electricity Sector Development Program is to support overall planning and initial implementation of an Energy Sector Roadmap for a least-cost program of grid and off-grid access expansion, taking into account energy security risks related to high dependence on imported petroleum for power generation. Specifically the priorities are scaling up electricity access and lowering the costs of electricity supply by increasing the penetration of sustainable electricity supply from renewable energy.

PAS: Grid Connected Solar PV Central Station Project

4282-P121878-2019-ICR-WB-Kiribati4282-P121878-Completed-TT-IW-KiribatiPIF Document for (Revised)Request for CEO Approval - revised
The project objective is to contribute to reducing Kiribati's dependence on imported petroleum for power generation in order to improve energy security and to reduce the GHG emissions from diesel fuel use for grid electricity supply in Kiribati. The specific objective of the proposed MSP is to serve as a catalyst for the substitution of the diesel based electricity generation for the South Tarawa grid by grid-connected solar PV supply of electricity.

PAS: PNG Energy Sector Development Project

4283-P122974-P101578-WB-TE-PNGPIF Document (with signature)Request for CEO MSP approval - rev
The proposed Project development objectives (PDO) are to (i) strengthen policy development and strategic framework for renewable energy and rural electrification; and (ii) to attract investors for sustainable development of new hydropower generation to supply the Port Moresby electricity grid.

The Global Environment Objective is to support the development of a framework, information exchange and consensus-building to launch a national effort on development of renewable energy-based mini-grids and rural electrification.

SB Development of Community-based Renewable Energy Mini-Grids

4284-P167381-2023-TT-WB-Solomon Islands4284-P167381-P162902-2021-PIR-WB-Solomon Islands4284-P167381-P162902-2022-PIR-WB-Solomon Islands4284-P167381-P162902-2023-PIR-MTR-WB-Solomon Islands4284-P167381-P162902-2024-PIR-WB-Solomon IslandsCEO Endorsement Letter to CouncilPIF Document for WPIProject Review SheetRequest for MSP approval -rev
To improve operational efficiency, system reliability and financial sustainability of Solomon Islands Electricity Authority through: improved financial and operational management, reduction of losses, and increase revenue collection.

Global Environment Objective (GEO): To support the development and sustainable operation of electrical mini-grids that use renewable energy and create an enabling environment (policy, legal and regulatory) that promotes investment in renewable energy technologies and increases access to more affordable energy services in rural areas of Solomon Islands.