Climate Change adaptation project in the areas of watershed management and water retention

Council Approval LetterCouncil Approval letterPIF Clearance LetterPIF Document for WPI (Revised)PPG Approval Letter
To increase the resilience of agricultural production systems and associated value chains to climate impacts on the water sector, by ensuring the supply and availability of water for agricultural use in a scenario of increasing climate change-induced water scarcity. By targeting a climate vulnerable resource key to sustain agriculture, the project will contribute to meet food security and rural livelihoods objectives that are undermined by the effects of climate change.

SFM Facilitating financing for Sustainable Forest Management in SIDS and LFCCs

Appendix workplan and TimetablePIF Document for WPIPPG DocumentProject Document ( PAD )Project Document (for CEO Approval)
To enhance understanding on opportunities for financing sustainable forest management (SFM) in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Low Forest Cover Countries (LFCCs) through analysis and strengthening stakeholder capacity in SIDS and LFCCs under the UNFF Forest Instrument.

GHG Assessment Methodologies in Public Transport

PIF Document (Revised)Project Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Request for CEO EndorsementSTAP Review (PDF)
Promote sustainable, low-carbon public transport through development and development and deployment of calculation methodologies to quantify both global and local be3nefits with greater ease and higher accuracy, and also to increase the enegagement of national and international funding for sustainable urban transport.

Mitigation Options of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in Key Sectors in Brazil

4254 TEPIF Document for WPI (Revised)PPG Document (Revised)STAP Review (PDF)
To assist the Government of Brazil to strengthen its technical capacity in supporting the implementation of its mitigation actions for greenhouse gas emissions in key economic sectors (industry, energy, industry, transportation, household and services, LULUCF and other cross-sector alternatives) in Brazil (including costs) as identified in the Brazilian National Policy and Plan on Climate Change.

The GEF Earth Fund: Conservation Agreement Private Partnership Platform (CAPPP)

4259_2019_PIR_UNEP_CAPPP CICEO Endorsement Letter to UNEP (April 2014)CEO Endorsement Letter to World Bank (May 2010)EFPIF World Bank: Private Partnership PlatformProject DocumentRequest for CEO Endorsement
The goal of the Conservation Agreement Private Partnership Platform (CAPPP) proposed by Conservation International (CI) under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as Implementing Agency is to catalyze private sector support for conservation of biodiversity and maintenance of ecosystem services in globally important sites. The objective of the CAPPP is to demonstrate the potential for achieving biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service maintenance with private sector support through the use of conservation agreements with local land- and resource-users.