GGW: Third Phase of the Community Action Program

5252-P143079-P132306-WB-TE-NigerPAD Annex GEF data sheet FinalProject Document PADReview Sheet (PDF)
Project Development Objective (PDO): Strengthen the Recipient’s local development planning and implementation capacities, including the capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis of emergency, and to improve the access of the targeted population to socio-economic services,
Global Environment Objective (GEO): Promote sustainable land management and productive investments at the commune level in selected areas of Niger.

Adriatic Sea Environmental Pollution Control Project (I)

5269-ISR-MTR5269-P143921-2019-ICR-WB-Bosnia-and-Herzegovina-and-CroatiaPIF Document for WPI (Revised)Review Sheet (PDF)Revised CEO Endorsement Doc - Received 12/13STAP Review (PDF)
The Project’s development and global environmental objectives are: (a) to reduce the discharge of pollutants with transboundary importance, particularly Nitrogen, in selected hot-spots of the eastern Adriatic Sea; and (b) to improve the capacity in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to prepare pollution control projects in selected localities of Dalmatia and Herzegovina and to strengthen the capacity to monitor environmentally sensitive areas of the sea.