Southern Africa Biodiversity Support Programme

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The project will involve all ten countries of the southern African region in a collaborative programme of activities related to national implementation of the CBD. The project is designed to improve cooperation and to build capacity both within and between participating nations and to integrate sustainable use into biodiversity conservation and other sectoral programmes. The project will produce five key outputs, each arising from a series of targeted activities.

Energy Conservation and Pollution Control in Township and Village Enterprise Industries

The primary objective of the project is to raise the energy efficiency of the rural industrial sector in China by selecting several key Township and Village Enterprises (TVE) to carry out demonstration projects involving improved technologies. Four subsectors targeted: brickmaking, coking, metal casting and cement.

Supply-Side Efficiency and Energy Conservation and Planning

Project Document - Part 1Project Document - Part 2Project Document for WP (Revised)
This project has two components: First: supply-side intervention where the Government rehabilitates an old power plant so that GEF can implement efficiency control measures and maintenance management measures that would sustain a higher degree of thermal efficiency and high levels of availability. The second component has two parts: (a) industrial demand side management where energy service companies conduct energy audits and make recommendations, e.g.

Enabling Activities for the Implementation of Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

First National Communication for UNFCCCProject ProposalScanned Letter (CEO Approval Letter)
This project aims to enable Nigeria to respond appropriately to the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) through the establishment of policy dialogue, analysis of climate change impact and response scenarios, promotion of greenhouse gases (GHG) inventories, investigation of Stage I adaptation strategies and the preparation of the first national communication to the Conference of the Parties.

Country Study on Climate Change

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)
The project will prepare and publish Argentina's first GHG inventory and assessment of potential vulnerabilities to climate change. Information from the GHG inventory will be used as input to the production of an initial analysis of potential mitigation measures. This analysis coupled with the vulnerability assessments will serve as the basis for the development of a national programme for GHG emissions reduction and adaptation to climate change.

Energy Efficiency Improvements and Greenhouse Gas Reductions

Project Document - EgyptProject Document - Palestinian AuthorityProject Document for WP - EgyptProject Document for WP - Palestinian Authority
The two co-ordinated projects will address the removal of barriers to enhance energy efficiency in the regional context of Egypt and Palestinian Authority. By creating an appropriate institutional setting and adequate capacity in the region to engage in energy conservation activities, alternatives to the existing tendency to meeting the ever increasing demand for power by expansion of generating facilities, will emerge. As such, the project will address both supply and demand side energy efficiency from an economy-wide perspective.