National Biodiversity Strategies, Action Plan, and the First Report to the CBD

First National ReportNtl BD Strategy & Action Plan
The principle tasks of the project will include: the establishment of an inter-sectoral coordination body with the creation of a Steering Committee for the Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan (BSAP); a comprehensive assessment of existing information on biodiversity in Uzbekistan; identification and agreement of options for biodiversity management; preparation of the BSAP, and definition of specific actions required to implement it; and the preparation and dissemination of a final report as well as the submission of a national report to the CoP.

Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development in the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros

Project DocumentProject Document for WP
The project aims to implement the biodiversity components of the Comoros National Environment Policy and Environmental Action Plan. The project objective is to develop capacity at all levels in the Comoros and assist to establish the legal, financial, institutional and operational frameworks and essential technical skills for collaborative management and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan, and the Report to the CBD

Final proposal 9-13-96First National ReportNTL BD Strategy & Action Plan
The project will define priority action to conserve and sustainbly use Yemen's biodiversity in the context of its economic development. The project will initially assess existing knowledge, and then through a process of analysis and consultations, to identify and agree upon options for biodiversity management and benefit sharing in the country.

National Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and Country Report to the CoP

Project proposal (Final) 2-20-97
The Biodiversity Enabling Activity for Congo will assist the Ministry of Tourism and the Environment (MTE) in developing a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP). The BSAP will build on and reinforce other existing national strategies and plans, such as the National Environment Action Plan. The project will allow Congo to meet its obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) by assisting the preparation of an Interim Report to the Conference of Parties (COP) of December 1997 and its first Country Report to the COP.

Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Biodiversity of Socotra Archipelago

Project DocumentProject Document Cover MemoProject Document for WP
The focus of the project will be the development and implementation of a management plan which will integrate conservation and sustainable use of the outstanding endemic biodiversity of Socotra Archipelago, with development objectives. This project will work closely with a UNDP Country Programme project focussing on social development and basic infrastructure for the local communities.

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

Ntl BD Strategy & Action Plan RptProject Proposal
The objectives of this EA are: 1. To evaluate the existing needs in four national priority areas in biodiversity management, and to propose, based on a wide consensus, a program for the strengthening of institutional capacities and human resources, in order to implement activities that enhance the knowledge, use and conservation of biodiversity in Guatemala, and 2.To implement Clearing House Mechanism on biodiversity in Guatemala, strengthening national, institutional and human resources capacities in information management.

National Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and First Country Report to the COP

First National ReportProject Proposal (Final)
The principal objective of this enabling activity is to assist Equatorial Guinea to prepare a national strategy and action plan which defines the current status of, pressures on, options for, and priority actions to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of its biological diversity in accordance with its own national development plan.

National Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and Country Report to the CBD

First National ReportNtl BD Strategy & Action Plan on webProposal (Final) 9-16-97
This EA focuses on the development of the National Biodiversity Strategy and the National Biodiversity Action Plan. The Strategy sets goals, principles and instruments of nature protection policy, describing the problems facing biodiversity and outlining measures to solve them, as well as focusing on public education and participation. The Plan focuses on the actions to implement the measures outlined in the Strategy.

National Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and Country Report to the CoP

First National ReportNtl BD Strategy & Action Plan ReportProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The principal objective of this enabling activity is to assist Burkina Faso to prepare a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP), which will define the current status of, pressures on, options for, and priority actions to ensure the conservation, sustainable use, and equitable share of its biological diversity in accordance with the National Development Plan (NDP).