Emergency Response to the Refugee Driven Biodiversity Crisis in Congo DR

Project Document
On November 10, 1995, in response to an appeal from the government of Congo DR transmitted to UNDP through the President of the Congo DR Nature Conservation Institute (IZCN), the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) authorized in principle up to $250,000 for emergency action to respond to the urgent and immediate threats to the biodiversity of the park.

Biodiversity Protection

Project Document
This project protects ecosystem biodiversity in three representative ecosystems (zones containing alpine meadows, lowland forests and wetlands), and supports the activity of three transnational biodiversity protection networks. It also introduces user fees and related charges for visitors and concessions in order to manage the areas in a financially sustainable manner and within their carrying capacity.

Biodiversity Protection

Project Document
This project in the Morava floodplain, Tatras forests, and Eastern Carpathians is developing management techniques for a biodiversity protection program, a conservation program to develop revenue generation mechanisms for the protected area system, and a program to provide support for project management coordination at the national level and at the three selected zones.

Efficient Street Lighting Program

Project Document for CEO Approval
The project will assist Argentina in removing key barriers to energy conservation in the street lighting sector. These barriers to energy conservation in the street lighting sector. These barriers include lack of information about viable energy saving opportunities in street lighting, access to commercial sources of financing, and increased transaction costs for initial installations. More specifically, the project will enable the development, structuring and financing of viable model transactions that demonstrate innovative mechanisms to overcoming identified market barriers.

Energy Efficiency Market Development

Project Document for CEO ApprovalScanned Letter to IA (CEO Approval Letter)
The project will help to overcome key market barriers preventing the introduction of demand side energy management services (ESCOs) in Cote d'Ivoire and other West African countries. These are lack of experience in designing and managing energy service companies, perceived risks associated with investments in industrial energy efficiency services throughout West Africa. It is estimated that the establishment of a viable commercial market for energy efficiency services in Cote d'Ivoire alone will lead to total savings in carbon emissions of about 80,000 tonnes over the next decade.

Low-Cost/Low-Energy Buildings in the Czech Republic

MTRMid Term EvaluationProject Document for CEO Approval
The project is to help overcome barriers preventing the widespread use of low cost/low energy technologies in the Czech residential housing sector. These are lack of experience in designing and constructing low cost/low energy buildings, and limited access to commercial sources of financing for relevant investments. The project will also help develop advanced energy standards for residential buildings and facilitate their adoption by the Czech government.