Removal of Barriers to Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Part 1)Project Document for WP (Part 2)
The outcome of this project will be a reduction of CO2 emissions resulting from increased energy efficiency within Kenya’s small and medium scale enterprises. This will be accomplished by removing capacity and financial barriers through formal and on the job training as well as through the introduction of new financial mechanisms. A series of demonstration retrofit projects will be carefully selected, and financing obtained to complete the energy efficiency demonstrations.

Repowering of Power Plant

Repowering of an existing plant with a second generation advanced combustion turbine, together with improvements in the quality of the materials and enhancement of the scheme's performance in the power generating system of Morocco. Close monitoring of the project's impact and careful analysis of the findings will help determine its wider applicability for use throughout the country.

High Efficiency Lighting Pilot

The project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as local environmental contamination through the replacement of incandescent bulbs with fluorescent light bulbs in two major markets: Guadalajara and Monterrey. Project will also work to increase institutional capacity for technological change and energy conservation, and strengthen the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and its capacity to practice demand side management on a sustainable basis.

Barrier Removal to Encourage and Secure Market Transformation and Labeling of Refrigerators

Project Document for CEO Approval
In addressing institutional, technical, information, capacity and market barriers, the project would ensure that energy efficiency and consumption labels are developed and adopted by all local refrigerator manufacturers (who supply 95% of the Tunisian market needs), thereby guaranteeing consumer awareness of the consumption and economic perspective of purchasing any potential unit. The project will also ensure an effective testing, monitoring and enforcement capacity in the country to achieve compliance with labeling standards and requirements.

Sugar Bio-Energy Technology

Project Document
Development and testing of technologies for gathering, storing and using sugar cane tops, leaves and residues as fuel to expand power generation by existing sugar mills. Assessing options for reducing the cost of bagasse transport and thereby also expanding its use as a generating fuel. Providing technical assistance to a Bagasse Energy Development Program coordinated by the Mauritius Sugar Authority which will develop a program to tap the long-term potential of power generation from sugar cane waste.

Solar Thermal Power

PDF CProject Document for WP
The GEF will finance the incremental costs of construction and operation, by the private sector, of a grid-connected, 140MW solar-thermal fossil-fuel hybrid power plant in Rajasthan, incorporating a parabolic trough solar thermal field of about 35-40MW. The plant would demonstrate the operational viability of solar trough technology and its use by an independent power producer with commercial sales and delivery arrangements with the grid. The project is designed to stimulate the expansion of solar-thermal technology worldwide over the long term.

Enabling Botswana to Fulfill its Commitments to UNFCCC

First National Communication to UNFCCCProject Document for WPProject Proposal
This project will provide technical assistance and support development of in-country capacity to prepare the first national communication to the Conference of the Parties in accordance with Article 12 of UNFCCC and to enhance indigenous capacity to fulfil Botswana's commitments to the Convention on a continuous basis. The UNDP/GEF project will assist Botswana's agencies, institutions, and organizations in carrying out work to meet these obligations and thereby enhance Botswana's capacity to address climate change issues, both adaptively and proactively.

Enabling Lithuania to Prepare its Initial National Communication in Response to its Commitments to UNFCCC

First National Communications to UNFCCCProject ProposalScanned Letter (CEO Approval Letter)
(a) identify and hire project coordinator/manager and establish the Lithuania Country Team for the Implementation of the UNFCCC as the Project Steering Committee; (b) review membership of the country team/steering committee to ensure adequate representation of relevant sectors; (c) prepare detailed workplan for project and identify institutions responsible for implementing the sub-components of the project; (d) hire international consultant to undertake project related tasks; (e) Review and finalise national inventory of ghg emissions taking into account the SEI comments; (f) organise and unde