Enabling Ukraine to Prepare its First National Communication in Response to its Commitments to UNFCCC

Project ProposalScanned Letter (CEO Approval Letter)
The project enables Ukraine to prepare its first national communication to the CoP of the UNFCCC. The components are: (a) an inventory of GHG; (b) an assessment of potential impacts of climate change and measures to adapt to it; (c) preparation of a national action plan to address climate change and its adverse impacts; and (d) preparation of the first national communication.

Integrated Watershed Management Program for the Pantanal and Upper Paraguay River Basin

PDF BProject DocumentProject Document for WP
This project catalyzes implementation of a detailed watershed management program for the Pantanal and the Upper Paraguay River Basin. Project activities will enhance and restore the environmental functioning of the system; provide protection to endemic species within the wetland; and implement strategic activities, identified in the World Bank-financed PCBAP program, that address the root causes of degradation.

Wider Caribbean Initiative for Ship-Generated Waste

Project activities will lay the foundation for countries in the Wider Caribbean Region to ratify and implement the MARPOL 73/78 Convention, ending discharge of ship-generated wastes into international and territorial waters. Technical assistance will be provided for studies leading to a regional strategy for the implemenation of MARPOL 73/78, assessment of existing waste management systems, formulation of criteria for waste reception facilities at ports, development of integrated waste management alternatives, and public awareness programs.

Integrated Management of Land-Based Activities in the Sao Francisco Basin

PDF BProject DocumentProject Document for WP (Part 1)Project Document for WP (Part 2)
This project develops a watershed management program for the Rio Sao Francisco Basin, which discharges into the South West Atlantic Large Marine Ecosystem and Brazil Current. The strategic, integrated and sustainable program for the management of this system and its coastal zone to be formulated during this project will address the physical, biological, chemical and institutional root causes of the progressive degradation which is affecting the basin and, particularly, the coastal ecosystems.

Technical Support and Investment Project for the Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances

Project Document
The project eliminated production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the Czech Republic (approx. 2000 tons ODP annually in the early 1990s). It established a national refrigerant recovery/ reclamation/recycling (3R) program. It phased out CFCs in certain commercial, industrial and transport refrigeration systems, as well as introduced low and non-ozone-depleting foam technologies. An estimated 390 metric tons ODP was scheduled for phase-out.

Elimination of Ozone Depleting Substances in the Production of Household Refrigerators and Freezers

Final Project DocumentProject Document for WP
This project will eliminate annual consumption of 280 metric tons of weighted, ozone-depleting substance potential (23% of 1991, annual weighted consumption) through phasing out the use of chlorofluorocarbons in two Slovakian manufacturing refrigerators and freezers enterprises.

Priority Actions to Consolidate Biodiversity Protection in the Sabana-Camaguey Ecosystem

Project DocumentProject Document for WP (Part 1)Project Document for WP (Part 2)Project Document for WP (Part 3)
The project is aimed at supporting the incorporation of biodiversity concerns into integrated coastal zone management. This consolidation phase project focuses on the northern archipelago of the Sabana-Camaguey Ecosystem (SCE) in central Cuba, which harbors marine and terrestrial biodiversity of global significance. The diversity is threatened principally by conventional tourism development , and more locally and to a much lesser extent, from over-fishing and agro-industrial pollution.