Forest Sector Development Project

PDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Concept (Revised)
The development objective of the overall World Bank Forest Sector Development Project is poverty alleviation through sustainable forest management, which will be achieved through expansion and better management of Vietnam’s plantation forests and the stimulation of small-scale production forestry, particularly by poor, small-holder farmers. The global environmental objective of the project’s GEF co-financed component is to conserve biodiversity of global significance in Vietnam’s Special Use Forests.

Renewable Energy-based Electricity Generation for Isolated Mini-grids

AnnexesEndorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive SummaryLetter of SupportProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Concept (Revised)Project Document for WP
This project will develop sustainable models for renewable energy based electricity generation and distribution via isolated mini-grids. Initial activities will focus on a carefully selected pilot area, from where replication activities will be designed for implementation in other appropriate areas in Zambia.

Generation and Delivery of Renewable Energy Based Modern Energy Services in Cuba; the case of Isla de la Juventud

AnnexesExecutive SummaryFinal Project DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Concept (Revised)
At pipeline entry: Pilot projects for repowering diesel mini-grids with biomass (primarily from citrus fruit) will be conducted on the Isla de la Juventud, followed by replication to the Cuban mainland and the Caribbean region. Other renewable energy sources besides biomass may comprise part of the project. At WP entry: Capacity building measures on a national and local level should create the enabling environment for large private sector involvement into renewable energy supply in Cuba.

Western Kenya Integrated Ecosystem Management Project

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive Summary (Revised)Final Executive SummaryPDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The project aims to enhance the potential to sequester additional above- and below-ground carbon in the project area, and develop scientifically sound and cost effective procedures and protocols to measure, monitor and validate above- and below-ground carbon sinks in different land-use systems. The project will also promote agroforestry and other improved land management activities in upland areas to rehabilitate degraded lands, improve erosion and sediment control, and reduce nutrient delivery to Lake Victoria from agricultural activities.

Climate Change Enabling Activity (Additional Financing for Capacity Building in Priority Areas)

Project Document for CEO Approval
Technology Transfer: (I) Identification/submission of technology needs (ii) Capacity Building to assess technology needs, modalities to acquire and absorb them, design, evaulate and host projects B. Capacity building for particpation in systematic observation networks C. Studies leading to the preparation of national progrms to address climate change improvement of emission factors.

Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial Communication Related to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Cover NoteFirst National Communication for UNFCCCProject Document for CEO Approval
The main objective of this proposed project is to enable the country to fulfil its commitments and obligations as required by Articles 4.1 and 12.1 of the Convention, especially the preparation and the reporting of its Initial National Communications as cited in Article 12.1 (a), (b) and (c) of the UNFCCC based on the recommended COP2 guidelines and format for non-Annex I Parties. The project will fill in the gaps and build on the past and ongoing activities related to climate change.

Support for the Implementation of the Uganda National Biosafety Framework (NBF) within the context of the Cartagena protocol

Project Appraisal Document (budget)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The overall objectives of this demonstraton project on biosafety is to provide support to strengthen capacity building for the implementation of national biosafety framework in compliance with the obligations of the Cartagena Protocol. Three areas of capacity building needs were identified through the first phase pilot project on biosafety: capacity building in biosafety regulation, scientific capacity building in biosafety, and biosafety enforcement and monitoring capacity building.

Support to the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework for Cameroon

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Revised)e-Mail
The overall objective of this project is to develop and strengthen the capacity of the Government of Cameroon in order to implement the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety by 1) supporting the entry into force and implementation of the national legislation, 2) strengthening national biosafety facilities, 3) training main stakeholders, 4) establishing a good National Information System to be linked to the National Biosafety Clearing House and 5) promoting public awareness.

Support to the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework of China

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Revised)
This project proposal addresses the most urgent priorities among those identified in the National Biosafety Framework for China (NBFC), i.e. management, research and capacity building, and ensures that China can meet its obligations under the Cartagena Protocol (China signed the Protocol in August 2000).

Support to the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework of Cuba

Cover Letter from IAProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Revised)
Following the first phase pilot project, "Development of the National Biosafety Framework," the overall objective of this demonstration project is to provide the needed capacity building for implementing of the National Biosafety Framework according to the obligations of the Cartagena Protocol.