Conservation of Biodiversity in Pastaza

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The wealth of biological resources in Ecuador is in danger due to an annual deforestation rate of 2.3%, the second highest in Latin America, and to the impact deforestation has on the conservation of biodiversity and genetic resources, i.e. erosion, sedimentation and pollution . Progressive deforestation in the Ecuadorian Amazon region is due to economic models based on deforestation practices, including livestock raising and intensive farming (exotic monocrops such as African palm trees, coffee, cocoa, naranjilla (Solanum quitoense), which require the clearing of extensive forest areas.

Conservation of Key Forests in the Sangihe-Talaud Islands

PDF-A DocumentProject Brief (Revised)Scanned Letter to IA (CEO Approval Letter)
This project is consistent with the GEF Forest Ecosystem operational program (OP#3), it responds to priorities in key Indonesian conservation strategies, namely The National Conservation Plan for Indonesia, the Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia as well as two of the primary objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity: conservation and sustainable use. With respect to Sangihe and Karakelang, and on a small-scale, this project will apply emerging principles of the ecosystem approach, adopted by the CBD.

Strengthening Protected Areas Network for Sikhote-Alin Mountian Forest Ecosystems Conservation in Khabarovsky Kray

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The project will support the establishment in the South of the Khabarovsk Kray of an integrated system of protected areas to ensure preservation and sustainability of highly endangered habitats in the Sikhote-Alin mountain forests.

Assessment of Capacity Building Needs and Country Specific Priorities in Biodiversity (add on)

Project Document for CEO ApprovalRevised Brief
The overall objective of the add-on is to assist the Ministry of Environment in further assessing national capacity building needs, identify specific priorities, analyzing institutional and functional capabilities and determining mechanisms necessary to protect national biodiversity in accordance with the NBSAP recommendations, and the GEF and CoP/CBD guidelines.

In-situ Conservation of Native Landraces and their Wild Relatives in Vietnam

PDF-A DocumentProject Document for CEO Approval
Vietnam is one of the Vavilov's centers of origin of domesticated plants and animals and is one of the 10 centers highest biodiversity in the world. This medium-sized GEF project will target conservation of six important crop groups (rice, tro, tea, litchi-longan, citrus and ride bean) including native landraces and wild relatives in three local ec-geographical areas: the northern mountains, the northern midlands, and the north-west mountains of Vietnam. These areas ar rich in biodiversity of native landraces and their wild relatives.

Building Wider Public and Private Constituences for the GEF in Latin America and the Caribbean: Regional Promotion of Global Environment Protection through the Electronic Media

Project Document for CEO Approval
1. Increase public awareness of global environmental issues and international environmental agreements (MEAs)2. Increase motivation, interest and participation of general public and Latin American & Caribbean owners of SMEs in global environment issues, and in replicating environmentally sustainable initiatives.

Pilot Production and Commercial Dissemination of Solar Cookers

Project Document (for CEO approval)
The main objective of the project is to remove barriers that currently hamper the local manufacturing, retailing and provision of after sales services for different solar cookers; Remove awareness and information barriers existing with end-users in the target areas as well as with other stakeholders involved in the further development of solar cooking and baking