PRC-GEF Partnership: An IEM Approach to the Conservation of Biodiversity in Dryland Ecosystems - under the PRC-GEF Partnership on Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystem Program

PDF-B Document (Revised)PIF Document (Revised)Project Concept (Revised)STAP Review
Project Objective: The Project goal is to achieve significant reductions in loss of biodiversity (BD) through addressing non-sustainable land use practices and the underlying causal factor of poverty in selected dryland ecosystems affected by land degradation (LD) in three provinces in China’s Western Region.

Forest and Mountain Protected Areas Project

Executive Summary (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Concept (Revised)Project Document for WP (Revised)Request for CEO Endorsement rev
The Global Environmental Objective is to strengthen conservation and management of the country’s globally significant forest and mountain landscapes. The Development Objective of the Forest and Mountain Biodiversity Conservation Project (FMBCP) is to increase the area in forest and mountain ecosystems under formal protection status, and to develop mechanisms in order to conserve these ecosystems while ensuring that these natural assets provide a basis for improved livelihoods in rural areas and for increased tourism revenues.

Sustainable Land Management in the Semi-Arid Sertao

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive SummaryExecutive Summary (Revised)PDF-A Document (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Concept (Revised)Project Document for WPProject Document for WP (Revised)
The grant is fully blended in the IFAD loan entitled, “Sustainable Development Project for Agrarian Reform Settlements in the Semi-Arid North-East (PDHC).” This grant complements GoB’s existing programs, in particular the PDHC. It is envisioned that, by addressing existing land degradation in the small-holder sub-sector of Sertão through an adequate approach to the implementation of sustainable land management, the grant will generate highly significant socioeconomic and environmental benefits at the local, national and global levels.

Rural Energy II

Executive SummaryProject Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Concept (RevisProject Document for WP (Revised)
The development objective of the proposed Rural Energy II project is to provide rural communities with access to good quality, affordably priced electricity services in an efficient and sustainable manner. Its global environmental objective is to achieve major GHG reductions by removing the barriers to achieving and sustaining much higher efficiency levels in rural power distribution.

Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains - and Integrated and Transboundary Initiative in Central Asia Phase I

AnnexesEndorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive Summary (Revised)PDF Evaluation ReportPDF-B Document (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Revised)Request for CEO Endorsement
The main objective of the proposed project is to develop and implement an integrated management system for the preservation and rehabilitation of the natural resources in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai mountain areas as a framework for sustainable land management and development of the natural environment and local populations living in the concerned mountain ranges and the adjacent lowlands. This will be achieved through a win-win strategy supporting both improved natural resource management as well as improved rural livelihoods.

Sustainable Management of Arid and Semi-arid Ecosystems to Combat Desertification in Patagonia (resubmission)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive Summary (Revised)MapsPDF-B DocumentProject Concept (Revised)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The development objective, or goal, of the proposed projec is to control desertification in Patagonia through the implementation of sustainable land use management (SLM) practices, seeking to restore ecosystems to their full integrity, stability and functions, within the context of the sustainable development of the region.

Sustainable Co-Management of the Natural Resources of the Air-Tenere Complex

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive SummaryPDF-B Document (Revised)Project Document for WP
The Aïr-Ténéré Complex is increasingly under stress and threat of land degradation in the agroecosystems and natural expanses of the 20 million hectares of the complex. The barriers to sustainable land management (SLM) are: lack of incentives of local SLM (economic, land tenure), institutional breakdown and lack of capacities for enforcement of locally derived laws and procedures, and lack of technical options for herders and farmers to exercise sustainable agriculture, sustainable grazing and sustainable forestry.