National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) for Environmental Management

Cover Letter from IAPDF-A DocumentProject Document for CEO Approval
The main objective of the project is to accomplish a self-assessment of national capacities in environmental management in Madagascar. The NCSA will be conducted in a participatory manner, and cover primarily the issues of biodiversity, climate change, and land degradation. The self-assessment will review past and ongoing efforts for capacity development, assess the existing capacities at the systemic, institutional, and individual levels, and formulate a strategy/action plan to address the identified capacity gaps.

Sustainable Land Management for Mitigating Land Degradation, Enhancing Agricultural Biodiversity and Reducing Poverty (SLaM)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentIRNR support ltrProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The overall goal of the project is to contribute to sustainable ecosystem-based integrated land management in globally, nationally and locally significant land resources in agricultural areas under threat of land degradation, for greater ecosystem stability, enhanced food security and improved rural livelihoods. Immediate Objectives: 1. Ecosystem recovery demonstrated and upscaled in priority degraded lands, using best practices in sustainable land management (SLM) to enhance ecosystem stability and functions, agricultural productive capacity, food security and rural livelihoods 2.

LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management

2403 Terminal Evaluation Executive Summary2403 draft mauritius TE sunday march 24Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO ApprovalTerminal Evaluation Executive Summarydraft mauritius TE sunday march 24
The project is part of the UNDP/GEF LDC and SIDS Targeted Portfolio Approach for Capacity Development and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management. The project will contribute towards the achievement of the following long-term goal: The agricultural, pasture, forest and other terrestrial land management in Mauritius and Rodrigues are sustainable, productive systems that maintain ecosystem productivity and ecological functions while contributing directly to the environmental, economic and social well-being of the country.

Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and Strategic Action Program Development for the Lake Victoria Basin

Endorsement Letter from Govt of BurundiEndorsement Letter from Govt-KenyaEndorsement Letter from Govt-RwandaEndorsement Letter from Govt-TanzaniaEndorsement Letter from Govt-UgandaProject Document for CEO Approval
The objective of the project is to undertake a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) of the Lake Victoria Basin in order to identify a Strategic Action/Investment Program (SAP) addressing key environmental issues and poverty alleviation by promoting sustainable economic growth. The SAP will be endorsed by the Regional Policy Steering Committee (RPSC) and the Ministerial Committee on Lake Victoria Development Program (CLVDP) and with appropriate involvement of Rwanda and Burundi.

World Bank Development Market Place - Funding Innovative Development Ideas to Benefit the Global Environment

Project Document for CEO Approval
The primary purpose of the DM is to help fund projects that provide local innovative solutions to development problems that have the potential to expand from a local level to address the problem on a global scale. The aim of this proposed MSP project is to expand the pool of funding available for bottom-up innovative projects with global environmental benefits applying to DM for funding.

Expedited Financing for Interim Measures for Capacity Building in Priority Areas (Phase II)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval
The project is being implemented as an interim capacity-building activity between the Initial and the Second Communications. Hence it is intended to complement activities of the Phase 1 project, related to the Initial Communication, while at the same time forming basis for initiation of the Second National Communication to the UNFCCC.

National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentNAPA ReportProject Document for CEO Approval
The objectives of NAPAs are: To serve as simplified and direct channels of communication for information relating to the urgent and immediate needs for adaptation in Congo DR; To facilitate capacity building for the preparation of initial national communications, and addressing urgent and immediate adaptation needs.

Preparation of a National Action Plan for Adaptation in Mali

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentNAPA ReportProject Document for CEO Approval
The proposed NAPA for Mali project is aimed at addressing the need to develop a realistically achievable country-driven program of action for adaptation to climate change in key sectors such as agriculture, forestry, water resources, coastal zone and human health. It will specifically develop a program of priority activities addressing the urgent and immediate needs and concerns of Mali, relating to the adverse effects of climate change. Mali shares with other LDCs a low adaptive capacity to respond to climate change impacts, arising from their weak socio-economic conditions.

Enabling Activities for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants: National Implementation Plan for Peru

Project Document for CEO Approval
Within the overall objective of the Stockholm Convention, which is to protect human health and the environment from POPs, the project will: i. Prepare the ground for implementation of the Convention in the Republic of Peru; ii. Assist the Republic of Peru in meeting its reporting and other obligations under the Convention; and iii. Strengthen Peru’s national capacity to manage POPs and chemicals generally.

Preparation of the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentNAPA ReportProject Document for CEO Approval
The main objective of the project is to develop a NAPA document consistent with Decision 28/CP.7:” National adaptation programmes of action will serve as simplified and direct channels of communication for information relating to the urgent and immediate adaptation needs of the LDCs.”