Supporting Capacity Building for the Third National Reporting to CRIC-5/COP-8

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The goal of the project is to contribute to the development of country capacities for strategic planning on sustainable land management . The objective of the project is to assist 34 countries to enhance their capacities to prepare their third national reports to the UNCCD CRIC-5 and COP 8 in a participatory and self-evaluative manner.

Conservation and Use of Crop Genetic Diversity to Control Pests and Diseases in Support of Sustainable Agriculture (Phase 1)

Annexes - revisedAnnexes-revisedEndorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive Summary (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Concept (Revised)Project Document for WP (Revised)request for CEO Endorsement rev
The outcome of the project will be that resource-poor rural populations will benefit from reduced crop vulnerability to pest and disease attacks through increased use of genetic diversity on-farm. By providing farmers and NARS researchers with the tools and practices needed to manage local crop (intra-specific) genetic diversity, farmers’ options to combat pest and disease on-farm will be expanded, food security will be increased, genetic diversity conserved, and ecosystem health improved.

Support to the Implementation of the National Biosafety Framework

Project Document for CEO Approval
The main purpose of this project is to help Moldova to strengthen the existing institutional and technical structures and infrastructures needed to meet the obligations of the Protocol and have a National Biosafety Framework fully operational by : - The implementation of the Moldova’s legislative framework on the safe use of biotechnology through improvement of the Biosafety law, development of sectorial regulations, guidelines and manuals; - The preparation of specific technical guidelines; - The strengthening of appropriate institutional structures for risk assessment and decision ma

Open Africa North South Tourism Corridor (OANSTC)

PDF A Completion ReportPDF-A DocumentPIF DocumentProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
OANSTC has the following objectives: Development Objective: A significant number of people living within the defined corridor’s biodiversity hotspots enter the economic mainstream by leveraging their tourism and self-empowerment potential. Global Objective: Communities along the newly established routes factor better biodiversity management into their mode of existence and use of biodiversity resources.

Development of a National Plan for Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on POPs in Zambia - POPs enabling activities "add on"

Project Document for CEO Approval
Zambia is one of the 12 pilot countries participating in the pilot project "Development of National Implementation Plans for the Management of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)". The project was part of the work program approved by the May 2001 Council meeting. That same meeting also approved the Guidelines for POPs enabling activities. This proposal is for an add-on that would allow Zambia to complete the work needed to finalise its NIP. This add-on requested by Zambia was envisaged at time of WP approval and CEO endorsement.

Piloting Natural Resource Valuation within Environmental Impact Assessments

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The proposed MSP will develop natural resource valuation (financial and economic) tools to be used to strengthen a holistic approach to the implementation of policies, programmes, plans and development projects with particular reference to strengthening the national implementation of MEAs.