National Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and Report to the CBD

First National ReportNtl BD Strategy & Action Plan ReportProject Proposal (Rev) 2-25-97
The enabling project aims at determining current status of biodiversity, reasons of degradation, strategies and priority actions required for the sound use and conservation of biodiversity resources. A resource inventory will be drawn up in order to assess existing potential measures, and to identify gaps in biodiversity knowledge. Special focus will be given to the status of agrobiodiversity resources and impacts from livestock. The project will rely on extensive analysis, consultations and dialogues on issues pertaining to biodiversity.

National Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and First National Report to CBD

First National ReportNtl BD Strategy & Action PlanProj Prop (Final) 9-24-96
The primary objective of this project is to assist the Government of Argentina to define priority actions related to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity within context of economic development. It will prepare a National Biodiversity Strategy and establish an Action Plan for its implementation. It will also prepare Argentina's first National Report to the CBD Conference of Parties.

Integrated Management of Jigme Dorji National Park

Project DocumentProject Document for WP
This is a full project supporting the Royal Government of Bhutan in strengthening the integrated management of Jigme Dorji National Park, Bhutan's largest and one of the most diverse protected areas containing globally significant biodiversity. The project will be implemented according to two components. The first will strengthen Park management and the second will involve the incorporation of local communities within the Park in implementing a Community Natural Resource Management Plan.

National Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and Country Report to the CoP

First National ReportNtl BD Strategy Action Plan ReportProject Proposal 9-10-97
The Biodiversity Enabling Activity for Benin will assist the Directorate of the Environment in the Ministry of the Environment, Habitat and Urbanism (MEHU) in developing a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP). The BSAP will build on and reinforce other existing national strategies and plans, such as the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP).

Biodiversity Conservation and Management in the Coastal Zone of the Dominican Republic

Project Document
Project assists government in protecting two important coastal regions through addressing regional landshed issues and developing buffering strategy. Training will take place, public awareness will be raised, and data will be gathered into geographic information system for assessment of priority protection areas, monitoring of environmental change, and assessment of socio-economic impact on environmental policy.

Integrated Biodiversity Protection in the Sarstun-Motagua Region

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
This project protects a wide array of threatened ecosystems containing globally important biodiversity by launching an integrated program for resources conservation and sustainable use in the Sarstun-Montagua region, focusing on the management of the nine protected areas. Project is based on premise that programs for biological conservation must include the promotion of sustainable economicuses of biological resources by communities living in and around the protected areas.

National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, and Action Plan and Report to the COP

First National ReportNtl Strategy & Action Plan on webProposal (Final) 1-28-97
This Enabling Activity is to help Mexico to formulate the strategies and actions necessary for the protection and sustainable use of Mexico's biodiversity in accordance with articles 6 and 8 of the CBD, as well as prepare a plan for their implementation. The primary output will be the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.