Vietnam PARC - Creating Protected Areas for Resources Conservation (PARC) in Vietnam Using a Landscape Ecology Approach

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
Project to conserve Vietnam's globally significant biodiversity through implementation of a landscape ecology approach to protected areas management. The project will introduce, develop and implement the Protected Areas for Resources Conservation concept which is based on participatory approach, an open consultative process, and the appropriate integration of conservation and development.

National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, and Action Plan and Country Report to the CBD

First National ReportNtl BD Strategy & Action PlanProposal (Final) 1-16-97
This Enabling Activity will assist the Ministry of Planning, Human Resources and the Environment to develop a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP). The BSAP will reflect national aspirations, and will build on existing national strategies and plans. The project will allow the Maldives to meet its obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity and assist in the preparation of its first national report to the Conference of the Parties.

First National Report to the COP

Ntl BD Strategy & Action Plan - Pt 1Ntl BD Strategy & Action Plan - Pt 2Ntl BD Strategy & Action Plan - Pt 3Ntl BD Strategy & Action Plan - Pt 4Ntl BD Strategy & Action Plan - Pt 5Ntl BD Strategy & Action Plan - Pt 6Project proposal
The Biodiversity Enabling Activity for Mongolia will assist the Ministry for Nature and the Environment to disseminate the country's recently completed National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and prepare the First National Report to the Conference of the Parties.

National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan, Report to the COP of CBD

First National Report - Part 1First National Report - Part 2First National Report - Part 3First National Report - Part 4Project Proposal (Revised) 8-20-96
This Enabling Activity is to help Costa Rica to formulate the strategies and actions necessary for the protection and sustainable use of Costa Rica's biodiversity in accordance with articles 6 and 8 of the CBD, as well as prepare a plan for their implementation. The primary output will be the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.

National Biodiversity Strategy, and Action Plan and Country Report to the COP

First National ReportNtl BD Strategy & Action PlanProposal (final)
The Biodiversity Enabling Activity for Rwanda will assist the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MINETO) in developing a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP). The BSAP will build on and reinforce other existing national strategies and plans, such as the National Environment Strategy. It will also provide a framework for parallel implementation of a GEF Short Term Response Measure (STRM) to control degradation in the Gishwati and Nyungwe forests.

Capacity Building, Development of a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and National Report to the CBD

National BD Strategy & Action Plan (Website)Project Document (Rev) 6-02-97
The project will establish a National Biodiversity Unit under the responsibility of the Ministere du Plan, de l'Amenagement du Territoire, de l'Environnement et de la Cooperation, and a Planning Team whose members are representatives of national or international institutions. A main task of the National Biodiversity Unit will be to elaborate a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to be integrated in the National Plan. This will be done on the basis of original inventories carried out. The project will further facilitate the preparation of a National Report to the CBD.

Strengthening of National Capacity and Grassroots In-Situ Conservation for Sustainable Biodiversity Protection

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The project will put into place an effectively managed system of protected areas to safeguard endemic and endangered species of flora and fauna, conserve their habitats and incorporate biodiversity conservation as an integral part of sustainable human development. The project will test a specific model of three demonstration parks where the Ministry of Environment, local NGOs and in-counry scientific institutions will cooperate and coordinate their activities to promote both the long term ecological and the short term economic objectives of wildlife conservation.

A Highly Decentralized Approach to Biodiversity Protection and Use: The Bangassou Dense Forest.

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The project will test highly-decentralized and participatory approaches for sustainable management of the Bangassou Dense Forest region of southern CAR. This area has high species and ecosystem diversity, and an unusual blend of forest and savanna flora and fauna, including threatened populations of forest and savanna elephants, and the northernmost population of chimpanzees in central Africa. Fire, land-use changes and over-hunting are degrading the Bangassou ecosystems.