Optimizing Biological Diversity within Wildlife Ranching systems; A Pilot Demonstration in A Semi-arid Zone

Project Document
This project proposes to address methodologies aimed at optimizing the conservation of biodiversity and the productivity of game ranching systems in Western Africa. It will also proceed with the gradual integration and effective participation of the populations established around a game ranch (Nazinga Game Ranch) into the ranch management operations. In addition, it proposes to set up an infrastructure for applied research and training which will be beneficial to other game ranching projects at the regional level.

Regional Strategy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in the Amazon

Project Document
Development of regionally-compatible geographic information system and enhancement of national institutions' capabilities in eight nations to manage protected areas, rehabilitate degraded lands, institute suitable zoning plans, share information and assist Amazon Cooperation Treaty to develop regional strategies. Project also involves efforts with indigenous peoples to identify specific traditional knowledge and encourage adoption of these practices by local communities region-wide.

Action for a Sustainable Amazonia

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)
The project's principal objective is to promote the formulation and application of policies that incorporate biodiversity conservation values and principles into sectoral development planning and reform. This will be achieved through the identification and provision of alternative production practices for agro-forestry and and extractive sectors, valuation of biological goods and services for assessing planning and investment priorities, consensus building activities with decision-makers and civil society for policy and regulatory review.

Protecting Biodiversity and Establishing Sustainable Development of the in Sabana-Camaguey Region

Project Document
Project enhances current surveys of biodiversity by providing equipment and resources and assisting with rapid ecological inventories. Includes facilitating creaqtion of geographic information systems, ongoimg monitoring and analysis, and translation of data into procedures and guidelines for eco-tourism development.

Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development in La Amistad and Osa Conservation Areas

Project Document
Assistance to National System of Conservation Areas to develop means of sustainable revenue generation from eco-tourism and other biodiversity -based initiatives. Project emphasizes creation of local benefits from conservation as well as involvement of community groups and indegenous peoples.

Strengthening Conservation Capacity and Development and Institution of a National Biodiversity Conservation Plan (Implementation Phase I)

Project Document
The Mongolian Biodiversity Project aims to increase the capacity of the Ministry for Nature and the Environment to protected and promote biodiversity conservation in Mongolia. It aims to achieve this through mainstreaming the project within the MNE and through institutional strengthening and capacity building achieved through training of trainers and other Ministry staff. The project supported the preparation of a Biodiversity Strategic Framework and its derivative, the National Biodiversity Action Plan, as well as accompanying legislation and activities required to implement the Action Plan.

Conservation of Biodiversity in the Eastern Wetlands

Project Document
Development with government of Regional Wetlands Management Program including management strategy, water authority, and financial incentives to landowners. Project catalyses formation of local resource users group, develops more sustainable methods of rice cultivation, trains professionals in conservation techniques, analyzes government policies, and engages local municipality, land owners, and university to document and understand region's ecology.

Programme for Sustainable Forestry (Iwokrama Rain Forest Programme)

Project BriefProject Document
In a relatively intact rain forest, an international consortium is developing replicable demonstration projects leading to guidelines for sustainable utilization of tropical forests. Activities include research, detailed inventory of species, fellowship for training in environmental management, training of forest rangers, and establishment of local study centre.