Development of Coalbed Methane Resources in China

Project Document
To support the Government of China's Eighth Five-Year Plan in its goals to explore alternative energy resources and reduce air pollution caused by massive use of coal. The objectives will be achieved through: improved mine safety and productivity; decreased methane-based atmospheric environmental impacts associated with underground coal mining; and production of high-quality methane fuel to be used as a replacement of coal in power generation, industry and the domestic sector.

Selected Options for Stabilizing Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Sustainable Development

Assistance to government in assessing specific investment projects and related institutional and policy options for limiting greenhouse gas emissions. Project also identifies and strengthens India's institutional, technical, and technological capabilities to assess global implications of energy efficiency and other projects which affect emission levels.

Asia Least-Cost Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy (ALGAS)

Project BriefProject Document
The project's development objective is to limit the growth of GHG emissions from Asia and to build a substantial pool of expertise in the region for addressing issues of global climate change. Expertise will be developed in areas such as estimation and measurement of GHGs, identification of technologies and initiatives for reducing GHGs, and economic and social analyses for identifying cost-effective mitigation options, GHG abatement initiatives and develop/implement least cost abatement strategies.

Optimizing Development of Small Hydel Resources in Hilly Areas

Project Document
Project formulates technical and economic guidelines and furthers adoption of advanced technologies for small hydro resources in India's hilly region, which should reduce carbon emissions and mitigate deforestation. An integral part of government programme to expand prevelance of non-conventional energy sources, the project uses a more cost-effective design than those of present India plants in this field. The project is an integral part of the MNES Mini-Micro Hydel programme.

Climate Change Capacity Building

This project enhances the capacity of each of the participating countries to implement the Convention n Climate Change by facilitating the establishment of a national institution and process for the development of a strategy. Enhances the capacity of four regional partner institutions to play this role and creates and informal training network to allow the sharing of training resources developed by other programmes and institutions.

Electricity, Fuel and Fertilizer from Municipal and Industrial Waste in Tanzania: A Biogas Plant for Africa

Project Document
Project establishes Africa’s first large-scale biogas plant, converting methane produced by municipal waste into energy. With increased indigenous interest and capacity resulting from project, plant is to operate as independent profit centre capable of reinvesting profits in replication.