Building Capacity in the Maghreb to Respond to the Challenges and Opportunities Created by National Response to the Framework Convention on Climate Change

Project Proposal
The project takes a regional approach to increase capacity for meeting UN Framework Convention on Climate Change objectives, focusing initially on the Maghreb countries. Identifies and strengthens capacities of selected regional and sub-regional organizations, develops indigenous capacity to independently identify cost-effective greenhouse gas strategies, seeks to leverage private sector investments, and builds on national programmes to develop data of GHG sources and sinks.

Development of High Rate BioMethanation Processes as Means of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Project Document
Project develops national master plan for generation and utilization of bioenergy, creates commercially viable packages for replication, and promotes and disseminates technology for high-rate biomethanation. Project will introduce, demonstrate, and standardize a wide variety of cost-effective technologies.

Decentralized Wind Electric Power for Social and Economic Development (Alizes Electriques)

Project Document
The project will work to establish a successful replicable, widely-used mechanism for sustainable diffusion and support of small-scale decentralized wind electric power generation units as a form of pre-electrification to support investments in social and economic development in rural and semi-rural Mauritania.

Building Capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa to Respond to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Project launches a systematic inventory of Africa's greenhouse gas sources and sinks, develops Africa's indigenous capacity to carry out studies and projects, identifies carbon offset projects in energy and forestry sectors, and seeks to procure private sector resources for some of these initiatives. Small set of pre-proposals developed through project will be selected for final documentation in each country where project operates: Kenya, Zimbabwe, Ghana and Mali.

Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training (START)

Project Document
START is a system of regional research networks being developed by scientific organizations to build capacity in the climate change field, collect and analyze regional data, and incorporate this data into global modeling efforts. This project focuses on Southeast Asia and Northern Africa as pilot regions for developing region-specific methodologies, establishing regional networks for global change research, and laying the foundation for regional research centres.