World Water Vision - Water and Nature

Project Document for CEO Approval
The Vision project is designed to find solutions over the long term to the factors that contribute to the problems of water misuse. The objectives of the Vision process are to: (a) raise awareness of issues among general population and decision-makers so as to foster political will and leadership; (b) develop a vision of water management in year 2025 that is shared by water sector specialists and civil society; and (c) provide input to the Global Water Partnership investment strategy.

Environmental Protection of the Rio de la Plata and Its Maritime Front: Pollution Prevention and Control and Habitat Restoration

PDF BProject DocumentProject Document for WP
The Project will contribute to the mitigation of current and emergent transboundary threats to the waterbody by assisting Argentina and Uruguay to prepare a Strategic Action Programme as a framework for addressing the most imminent transboundary issues.

Demonstrations of Innovative Approaches to the Rehabilitation of Heavily Contaminated Bays in the Wider Caribbean

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Part 1)Project Document for WP (Part 2)Project Document for WP (Part 3)Project Document for WP (Part 4)
This initiative is a follow up of the Pilot Phase PRIF project “planning and Management of Heavily Contaminated Bays and Coastal Areas in the Wider Caribbean”; the project areas were Havana Bay (Cuba), Puerto Limon (Costa Rica0, Cartagena Bay (Colombia) and Kingston Harbour (Jamaica). This PRIF project resulted in the development of investment and institutional strenghtening plans and in the identification of sources of financing for the implementation of remedial actions. Leveraged baseline investments in the four bays were in excess of $250 million.

Harnessing Multi-Stakeholder Mechanisms to Promote Global Environmental Priorities

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The project's objective is to engage more actively an existing structure in six prototype countries to fulfill the objective of including global environmental priorities while they implement their mandate of integrating environmental issues, and social and cultural concerns in development planning.

Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation

Project DocumentProject Document for WP
In this project, the GEF aims at financing the incremental costs of promoting wetlands and aquatic biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in Bangladesh. It will do so by complementing the IV IDA's Fisheries Project. The GEF approach relies on removing barriers for successful mainstreaming of aquatic biodiversity and wetlands conservation within the fisheries sector through demonstration, capacity building, enhancement of the information base for sound decision making, incentive development, and policy development.

Biodiversity and Protected Area Management Pilot Project for the Virachey National Park

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Part 1)Project Document for WP (Part 2)
The development and global objective of this pilot project is to support proactive measures to minimize illegal exploitation or degradation of the relatively intact biodiversity of national and global significance in the Virachey National park. Project support would comprise two key elements – capacity building and park management.

Energy Conservation and GHG Emission Reduction in Chinese Township and Village Enterprises (TVE), Phase II

Annex (Work plan)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Part 1)Project Document for WP (Part 2)Project Document for WP (Part 3)Project Document for WP (Revised)Scanned Letter CEO Endorsement to Council
This project will focus on Township-Village Enterprises (TVEs) which constitute a significant share of Chinese economic production. It seeks to reduce GHG emissions in China from the TVE sector by increasing the utilization of energy efficient technologies and products in the brick, cement, metal casting and coking sectors. The project removes key market, regulatory, technological, management and commercial barriers to the production, marketing and utilization of energy efficient technologies and products in these industries.