Expedited financing for (interim) measures for capacity building in priority areas.

EA Proposal
The project is being implemented as an interim acivity betwen the Initial and the Second Communications. Hence it is intended to complement activities of Phase 1 project, related to the Initial communication, while at the same time forming basis for initiation of the Second National Communication of Lesotho to the UNFCCC. Its main objectives are to: 1)- enhance national capacity building in the identification, assessment and acquisition of technologies for mitigation and adaptation in the energy and land use sectors.

Enabling Kyrgyz Republic to Prepare its First National Communication in Response to its Commitments to UNFCCC

First National Communications to UNFCCCProject Brief
The objective of thie enabling activity is to build capacity in Kyrgyzstan to fulfill its commitments to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and to respond to the objectives of the Convention on a continuing basis.

Establishment of the Nuratau-Kyzylkum Biosphere Reserve as a Model for Biodiveristy Conservation

PDF-A DocumentProject Brief
The project intends to create the basis for the conservation of the area's globally important biodiversity and the long term sustainable development of the area, through the establishment of an integrated conservation and local development programme, based on local traditions and capacities. It is intended to act as a model and a 'test case' for new approaches to conserve biodiversity in Uzbekistan and the region as a whole.

Renewable Energy Systems in the Peruvian Amazon Region (RESPAR)

Project Document for CEO ApprovalProject Review
This project will assist in removing technical, financial, informational and institutional barriers to renewable energies, through (i) installation and operation of RAPS systems in Idiana and Padre Cocha; (ii) identification and training of private RAPS systems operators; (iii establishment of )energy efficiency program and tariff structure; (iv) identification and promotion of income generating activities; (v) coordination, monitoring and evaluation of RAPS systems; and (vi) promotion of policy dialogues for renewable energy and rural electrification.