Fuel Cell Bus and Distributed Power Generation Market Prospects and Intervention Strategy Options

Project Brief (Revised)
Fuel cells are a low-emission technology that electro-chemically convert a variety of fossil and bio-fuels or hydrogen into electricity and are suitable for transportation and modular distributed generation applications. Fuel cells are a key technology for the attainment of broad hydrogen energy systems deployment, whish is seen as long term solution to environmental problems including climate change and general air pollution especially from transportation owing to their high efficiency and zero emissions of carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen or any other pollutant.

Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and First National Report and Clearing House Mechanism

National BD Strategy & Action Plan - Pt 1Project Proposal
The purpose of the proposed project is to enable the Government of Sao Tome and Principe to develop a biodiversity strategy in compliance with Articles 6 and 8 of the CBD and as a means of identifying priority actions for biodiversity conservation and management. The project will provide the resources to Government to prepare its first National Report to the Conference of the Parties.

Biodiversity Strategy, Action Plan and National Report with Clearing House Mechanism

First National ReportNtl BD Strategy & Action PlanProposal (Final) 6-27-00
The Turkmenistan Republic recognizes the importance of conserving biological diversity and ratified the Convention on 18 June 1996. In the course of transition to a market economy, environmental conscience and awareness is growing and an environmental policy reform is gradually being incorporated into the framework of economic and structural change.