Integrated Ecosystem Management in 3 Priority Ecoregions

PDF BProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The project will protect biodiversity and sustain vital ecological functions within three globally significant ecoregions: the Tehuantepec Moist Forest, the Pacific Dry Tropical Forests, and the Sierra Madre del Sur Pine-Oak Forest. These ecoregions contain a range of forest communities including pine forest, pine-oak forests, cloud forest, tropical rain forest, tropical dry forest and mangroves, which provide habitat for native fauna, act as carbon reservoirs, and protect watersheds.

Caribbean Renewable Energy Development Programme

PDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
This project aims at removing barriers to renewable energy utilisation in the Caribbean. Through specific actions to overcome policy, finance, capacity and awareness barriers it is estimated that the contribution of renewable energy sources to the region's energy balance will be significantly increased. Currently, renewable energy provides less than 2% of the region's commercial electricity. It is estimated that due to the planned barrier removal activities the share of renewable energy could reach 5% by 2015. This would imply annual reductions of CO2 emissions by some 680,000 tons.

Barrier Removal for Efficient Lighting Products and Systems

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The project aims at addressing identified market barriers to wide spread use of energy efficient lighting in China by broadening the China Green Lights start-up efforts. The overall objective of this project is to save energy and protect the environment by reducing lighting energy use in China in 2010 by 10% relative to a constant efficiency scenario.

Environmental Protection and Sustainable Management of the Okavango River Basin

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentGovernment Letter AngolaGovernment Letter NamibiaProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The Okavango River Basin remains one of the least impacted basins in the African Continent. Mounting socio-economic pressures in the riparian countries could result in irretrievable environmental breakdown and consequent loss of domestic and global environmental benefits. Maintaining these benefits requires agreement over the sharing of both the benefits and associated liabilities through joint management of the basin's water resources. The establishment of the Permanent Okavango River Commission (OKACOM), an advisory body, was a first step in this direction.

Removal of Barriers to Rural Electrification with Renewable Energy

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WPScanned Letter of Endorsement
There are an estimated 170,000 unelectrified households in Chile's rural areas. Since many of these households are in isolated areas, beyond the cost-effective reach of the electricity grid, community or individual systems will be necessary to electrify them. While gasoline and diesel generators are traditional options for electrifying isolated areas, renewable energy technologies, including photovoltaics, wind and hydro, could be less costly in certain locations.

The Greater Berbak-Sembilang Integrated Coastal Wetlands Conservation Project

Project BriefScanned Letter of Endorsement
This project will: (1) prepare and implement a management plan for the Greater Berbak-Sembilang Ecosystem, based on biodiversity conservation values and socio-economic realities; (2) expand the National Parks within the ecosystem to more effectively protect the entire ecosystem; (3) strengthen national park management; and (4) increase community and NGO involvement in park management and biodiversity conservation.

Albarradas in Coastal Ecuador: Rescuing Ancient Knowledge on Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

Cover Memo - Project brief (revised)PDF-A DocumentProject Brief (Revised)Scanned Letter of EndorsementScanned Letter to Council
This proposal combines archeology and ecology to develop an understanding of how ancient peoples in the coastal zone of Ecuador coped with the El Nino phenomenon. The move to adapt technologies to a more modern system could help to conserve the wild relatives more effectively.

Renewable Energy and Forest Conservation: Sustainable Harvest and Processing of Coffee and Allspice

Letter of SupportPDF-A DocumentProject Brief
This project links initiatives to preserve biodiversity and limit the expansion of the agricultural frontier in the buffer zone surrounding the Bosawas Reserve. The proposed OP#6 component would address the identified barriers to renewable energy adoption by providing the technical extension services needed to configure, install, maintain, and operate a decentralized dry beneficio using Solar/Biomass Coffee Drying Systems.