Ormat Olkaria III Geothermal Power Development

PDF-A DocumentProject Document for WP (Revised)
The project will use GEF funds to provide a partial risk guarantee facility to address incremental risks and costs of exploration and development of the Olkaria III geothermal field in Kenya. Such risks and costs have been identified as one of the major barriers for the growth and development of this type of renewable energy. The project provides a partial guarantee to cover, on a cost sharing basis with the private developer, unforeseen costs overruns that may occur during the exploration and developemnt phase of the geothermal field.

Coastal Marine and Biodiversity Management

AnnexExecutive SummaryLetter of SupportPDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The project would promote management of Guinea's coastal biodiversity for both conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development ends, with a particular emphasis on assisting local communities in and around key priority sites to plan, implement, and maintain environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive alternative livelihoods options.

Household Energy and Universal Rural Access Project

Cover Letter from IAPDF BProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Revised)cover Letter from IA Aug 16 02
Remove barriers to the adoption of solar PV for home lighting and for school and community-center lighting. Provide first-cost grants for both household and institutional systems in conjunction with a Rural Electrification Fund that will provide financing for the balance of costs. The GEF supports three components: solar PV investments as part of the Decentralized Electrification and Telephony component, and training, regulatory, and institutional development as part of the Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening Component. GEF $5.2 m., total $16 m. Of GEF $5.2m, $1.7 m.

Community-based Integrated Ecosytem Management Program under the Community Action Program

Cover Letter from IAEndorsement Letter from GovernmentPDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WPProject Document for WP (Revised)
The proposed CBIEM aims at supporting sustainable local development by providing communities in Niger with the means to improve the management of rural and peri-urban ecosystems so as to generate both local and global environmental benefits. It is an attempt to reduce poverty and vulnerability by combating land degradation and desertification in Niger and by conserving and eventually restoring ecological mechanisms.

Climate Change Enabling Activity (Additional Financing for Capacity Building in Priority Areas)

Project Document for CEO Approval
The National Communication Support Programme (NCSP) is currently developing regional/global proposals in several areas of work that might have implications for the national activities described in this project. Implementation of the project will be carried out in close co-ordination with the NCSP to ensure that areas of synergy will be identified where possible, and to avoid duplication for cost effectiveness. The country will be informed of the proposed NCSP activities as soon as they are underway.

Gdansk Cycling Infrastructure Project

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
Project rationale and objectives: The project will reduce transport-derived greenhouse gas emissions by developing a model infrastructure facility program in Gdansk to help individual citizens change their primary mode of transport from cars to bicycles. The model - and the experience gained - will be disseminated at the national level to help other local authorities develop similar, cost-efficient infrastructure measures and policies.

Passive Solar Heating for Rural Health Clinics

PDF-A DocumentProject Document for CEO ApprovalScanned Letter to CouncilScanned Letter to IA
1.Stimulate health sector and other community facility planners to adopt passive solar building designs 2.Strengthen capacity of architectural and engineering design institutes to design and build energy-efficient passive solar buildings3.Demonstrate the life cycle cost advantages of energy efficient passive solar buildings in China4.Reduce CO2 emissions

Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment

PDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
This project will provide solar and wind resource data and geographic information assessment tools to public and private sector executives who are involved in energy market development. It will demonstrate the use of these instruments in investment and policy decision making and build local capacities for their continuous use. The project will enable private investors and public policy makers to assess the technical, economic and environmental potential for large-scale investments in technologies that enable the exploitation of two increasingly important sources of renewable energy.

Action Plan for Removing Barriers to the Full-scale Implementation of Wind Power

Cover Letter from IACover Note from IA and Project document WPProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)
The objective of the project is to reduce identified wind energy barriers to facilitate the installation and operation of the 3 first commercial scale wind energy plants in Mexico with central grid connection. The project aims to reduce annual carbon emissions in Mexico through the installation and operation of commercial wind power plants in Mexico on a massive scale, delivering electricity to certain market niches or directly to the central grid under revised national wind energy contracts. To reach the sought objectives of this project, a phased approach is proposed.

Parana Biodiversity Project

Cover Letter from IA with revised docEndorsement LetterProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project ConceptProject Cover NoteProject Document for WPProject Document for WP (Revised)Project appraisal Document (TOC)
The project will assist the State of Parana to conserve two globally significant biomes, the interior Atlantic Forest and the Araucaria forest ecosystems. It will do so by (i) upgrading management of protected areas and buffer zones; (ii) resolving threats and underlying causes of biodiversity loss; (iii) establishing a framework to encourage community and private sector participation in conservation by employing sustainable development production systems; and (iv) implementing a system of disseminating information on the value of protected biomes.