Strengthening Romania's Protected Area System by Demonstrating Government-NGO Partnership in Romania's Maramures Nature Park

AnnexesProject Document for CEO Approval
GOAL: Strengthening Romania’s national system of protected areas by disseminating lessons and good practices extracted from the Maramures demonstration of an effective protected area model. Objective: The biodiversity of Maramures Mountains Natural Park in Romania's Northern Carpathian Mountains is effectively conserved by adopting an effective protected area management model.

Conservation, Restoration and Wise Use of Calcareous Fens

Project Document for CEO Approval
The project aims at the conservation of Carpathian peatland biodiversity, with a focus on calcareous fens, a unique ecosystem with its center of distribution in Slovakia. In particular, the following will be addressed: 1) drainage of fens, 2) lack of appropriate management of protected fen areas, 3) lack of public awareness and appreciation of peatland biodiversity, 4) low institutional capacity to address threats to fen biodiversity, 5) weak policy environment to ensure adequate protection of fen biodiversity.

Facilitating and Strengthening the Conservation Initiatives of Traditional Landholders and their Communities to Achieve Biodiversity Conservation Objectives

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval (without maps)
The project will assist the government of Vanuatu to facilitate and strengthen traditional approaches to conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of its components to enable locally governed and managed protected areas to be more effective conservation tools.

National Performance Assessment and Subregional Strategic Environment Framework in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Brief (Revised)
The proposed project will develop national and subregional environment performance assessment systems in GMS and a Subregional Strategic Environment Framework. It will assist in integrating environmental objectives in subregional, national and local development policies and programs and thereby support sustainable development. The formulation and implementation of environmentally sound development policies will directly or indirectly address global environment concerns, such as climate change, international waters, and biodiversity.

FC-1: Fuel Cells Financing Initiative for Distributed Generation Applications (Phase 1)

Final Executive SummaryProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project ConceptProject Document for WP (Revised)
Promote commercial use of fuel cells in distributed generation applications. Stage 1 starts with three pilot installations, each as a separate stand-alone deal (and separate Council work program submission), to test the financing and business models for distributed generation investments with fuel cells. State 2, which only starts once the industry achieves specified cost reduction milestones, provides an umbrella financing program for scaling up the financing and business models piloted in Stage 1. Project $18 mil. Stage 1 and $90-135 mil. Stage 2. GEF $9 mil. Stage 1 and $45 mil.

Renewable Energy Project

1686_WB_TE_Renewable Energy ProjectEndorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive SummaryPDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Revised)
Promotes private-sector-led off-grid rural electrification with solar home systems and mini-grids based on small hydro. Both household and institutional (health, education, community groups) applications are covered. Other project components for policy and institutional support, urban electric distribution, biomass (including more efficient biomass stoves), and environmental mitigation are apparently not targets of GEF support, although this point is not clearly established in the concept. Project $203 mil. GEF $5 m. IDA $132 m., utility $22 mil, private $21 mil.

Development of the Econet for Long-term Conservation of Biodiversity in the Central Asia Ecoregions

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)Project brief (budget)
1. To elaborate the scheme of econet development, based on a regionally unified and integrated information management system (GIS), combining existing data on biodiversity and natural resource (at the regional scale), existing system of protected areas, economic development (traditional, recent, planned and probable alternatives), together with newly obtained data through limited targeted research to fill key gaps. 2. To elaborate and achieve agreement for a regional "Econet" development plan implementation. 3.

Assessment of Capacity-building Needs and Country Specific Priorities in Biodiversity and Participation in the Clearing House Mechanism

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval
The objectives of the project are: (1) to establish a CHM for the RMI to facilitate the effective exchange of technical and scientific biodiversity information in country, regionally, and internationally, and (2) to utilize the CHM to disseminate and share biodiversity information, ensuring its sustainability by creating partnerships and networks within country as well as regionally and internationally, This will involve local stakeholders, resulting in reliable and informed decisions regarding conservation and sustainable use of biological resources in the Marshall Islands.