Removing Barriers to Invasive Plant Management in Africa

AnnexesExecutive SummaryExecutive Summary (Revised)PDF-B Document (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Document for WPProject Document for WP (Revised)
The goal of the project is to protect ecosystem, species and genetic diversity from invasive alien species, for global, national and community benefit. The project will contribute to this goal through its purpose of removing the barriers to effective prevention and management of IAS in four pilot countries; Ethiopia, Ghana, Uganda and Zambia. The focus will be on invasive plants, as this group poses the greatest current threat, and because a number of invasive plant species have been identified in the four countries requiring immediate attention.

DBSB Reduction of Enterprise Nutrient Discharges Project - RENDR - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)e-Mail
The project would reduce nutrient pollution from hotspot enterprises on the Danube River and its tributaries through investment in cleaner production and better waste management technologies as well as institutional and monitoring& enforcement development. As such, it would address some of the main root causes of serious pollution of a threatened transboundary waterbody, the Black Sea by way of the Danube River. Being proposed for implementation under the Strategic Partnership on the Danube and Black Sea Basin, the project would be in conformity with GEF OP No.

DBSB Water Quality Protection Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea

2143 ICREndorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive Summary (Revised)Letter of SupportProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Concept (Revised)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The Neretva River is important to the economy of BiH and the regional environment. It is the largest river draining the Adriatic karst zone and is one of the most beautiful and picturesque rivers in south eastern Europe. Its estuary, the Neretva Delta, is one of the few remaining Mediterranean wetlands. The Neretva is 225 km long, out of which 203 km is on the territory of B-H and the last 22 km on the territory of the Croatia. The Bosnia River originates in BiH and flows to Sava River into the Danube.

National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) for Global Environmental Management

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentNCSA ReportProject Document for CEO Approval
The objective of the National Capacity Needs Self-Assessment (NCSA) is to identify country level priorities and needs for capacity building to address global environmental issues, in particular biological diversity, climate change, and land degradation, and the synergies between them, with the aim of catalyzing domestic and/or externally assisted action to meet those needs in a coordinated and planned manner.

National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) for Global Environmental Management

Project Document for CEO Approval
The objective of the National Capacity Needs Self-Assessment (NCSA) is to identify country level priorities and needs for capacity building to address global environmental issues, in particular biological diversity, climate change, and land degradation, and the synergies between them, with the aim of catalyzing domestic and/or externally assisted action to meet those needs in a coordinated and planned manner.

Methyl Bromide Phase-Out Project

Executive Summary (Revised)Project ConceptProject Document for WP (Revised)
Feb 2005. WP inclusion. During project preparation it appeared that: 1) Ukraine wishes to retain capacity for MBr production. 2) MBr consumption is significant. 3) CTC was produced in one facility, mostly as feedstock for CFC-11/12 in the USSR. Ukraine seeks assistance to close that facility which has been idle since 1998. As a result, the project design addresses the above reality and seeks to: 1) Phase out MBr consumption in the grain sector and reduce use for Quarantine and Pre-shipment.

Novel Forms of Livestock & Wildlife Integration Adjacent to Protected Areas in Africa

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The project aims to achieve sustainable biodiversity conservation by alleviating and controlling conflicts over land use between pastoralism, cropping, and conservation. It will explore and understand the dynamics of land use in Tanzania using this improved knowledge to generate greater returns to key stakeholders from both wildlife and livestock simultaneously.