Integrated Ecosystem Management in Northern Bohemia

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval
The goal of the proposed project is to produce benefits for both globally significant biodiversity and to the quality and volume of the water resources of the international Elbe basin, through the adoption and implementation, by a coordinated group of stakeholders, of integrated ecosystem management plans and practices in the Bohemian Switzerland region of the Czech Republic.

Global Support to Facilitate the Early Development & Implementation of Land Degradation Programs & Project Under the GEF Operational Programme N 15

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The project will facilitate the early development and implementation of GEF programs and projects on sustainable land management through global information and training of the relevant decision-makers in addressing land degradation issues, and developing and implementing activities eligible for GEF funding under OP 15.

Expedited Financing for Interim Measures for Capacity Building in Priority Areas (Phase II)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Brief
The project is being implemented as an interim capacity-building activity between the Initial and the Second Communications. Hence it is intended to complement activities of the Phase 1 project, related to the Initial Communication, while at the same time forming basis for initiation of the Second National Communication to the UNFCCC.

Sustainable Land Use Planning for Integrated Land and Water Management for Disaster Preparedness and Vulnerability Reduction in the Lower Limpopo Basin

Appendix 1,3, 5Appendix 2Appendix 4Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The goal of the project is to promote participatory land use planning for sustainable land management in the Lower Limpopo River Basin in order to reduce the impact of floods on land, ecosystems and human settlements. In order to meet its goal, the project has two objectives: 1. to lessen land degradation and minimize the risk of losing life and damage to biodiversity in future flood events through a regional action plan; and 2.

Support to the Implementation of the Regional Environmental Action Plan in Central Asia

Project Document for CEO Approval
The goal of the project is the improved environmental quality through enhanced integrated ecosystems management (IEM), strengthened regional capacity and cooperation in environment for SD and REAP implementation. Four objectives have been identified: Objective 1: Strengthened political and institutional basis for regional cooperation and REAP implementation. Objective 2: Strengthened information support to decision-making process in environment for SD and IEM. Objective 3: Enhanced civil society (CS) participation to strengthen regional cooperation in environment for SD and IEM.

Promoting Sustainable Transport in Latin America (NESTLAC)

AnnexesEndorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The overall objective of the MSP “Promoting Sustainable Transport In Latin America” is to create the needed awareness among politicians, decision makers and stakeholders of the Latin American (LA) region, which will lead to the actual implementation of sustainable transport projects in the various countries of the region.