World Bank/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the Large Marine Ecosystems of East Asia (Tranche 1 of 3 tranches)

Annexes (1)Annexes (2)Annexes (3)Endorsement Letter from Government-CambodiaEndorsement Letter from Government-IndonesiaEndorsement Letter from Government-PhilippinesExecutive Summary (Revised)PDF-B Document (Revised)Project Concept (Revised)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The objective of this proposed World Bank/GEF East Asia Land-Based Pollution Reduction Investment Fund Project (the Partnership Fund) is to reduce local, national and trans-boundary degradation of East Asia’s marine ecosystems due to land-based pollution. It would help implement the action plans that are emerging from the GEF-supported planning efforts for the South China Sea and the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystems, and the national and local commitments facilitated by the GEF/UNDP/IMO PEMSEA Project (Partnerships for Environmental Management of the Seas of East Asia).

Community-based Watershed Management Project

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive Summary (Revised)PDF-B Document (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The GEF project will build on the baseline established by the IDA CBRD project, the objective of which is to reduce poverty, improve livelihood conditions and increase access to services at the local level. The GEF project will specifically complement the development objective of the IDA project through support for sustainable livelihoods by reinforcing capacity, supporting sustainable land management investments in target communities, and targeting investments at the watershed level.

Building the Capacity of the Russian Federation to Implement the Stockholm Convention on POPs and Develop a National Implementation Plan

PDF-A DocumentPDF-B DocumentPIF Document for Nov 2007 WP
This project is designed to build the capacity of the Russian Federation to develop and implement its National Implementation Plan (NIP). In consideration of the scale of the country, and the diversity and complexity of POPs problems, the Russian Federation has opted to develop its NIP via the GEF full project cycle. This proposal was developed through widespread expert consultation facilitated by a PDF-A grant.

Préparation du Plan d’Action National d’Adaptation du Burundi aux changements climatiques

NAPA ReportProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
Conformément aux directives du PANA, la faible capacité des PMA justifie les PANAs afin de conduire une profonde analyse de la vulnérabilité des secteurs clés de leurs économies aux changements climatiques en vue d’entreprendre des mesures d’adaptation.

Supporting Capacity Building for the Elaboration of National Reports and Country Profiles by African Parties to the UNCCD

Endorsement Ltr- MozambiqueEndorsement Ltr-NigerProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The overall rationale of this project is to assist African country Parties to the UNCCD to address the causes and mitigate the negative impacts of land degradation on the structure and functional integrity of ecosystems through the adoption and mainstreaming of sustainable land management practices. The objective of this project is to support the African country Parties to enhance their capacities to prepare and/or elaborate their national reports so as to fulfill their obligations under the UNCCD.