LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building and Resource Mobilization for Sustainable Land Management in Bangladesh

The objective of the project is stated as follows: To strengthen the enabling environment and capacity for SLM while ensuring broad -based political and participatory support for the process. This MSP is a sub-project under the UNDP "LDC and SIDS Targeted Portfolio Approach For Capacity Development and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management" (GEF PMIS 2441).

Support to Alignment of NBSAP with CBD Obligations and to Development of CHM

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document (Revised)
The objective of the project is to strengthen Thailand’s capacity to respond to the obligations of the CBD. This objective will be addressed within an overall programme to strengthen national environment management capacities in Thailand, other components of which will be implemented through the National Capacity Self-Assessment, UNDP TRAC-funded capacity building activities and national resources.

Reducing Vulnerability of Arid Oasian Zones to climate change and variability through Improved Watershed Management

The long-term goal of the project is to improve water management in light of climate change impacts in order to improve ecological functioning and human well being. The project objective has two foci: to address urgent issues through improved environmental management and, secondly, to show how climate change information and improved data on water can be used to enhance resource management and decision making at several levels, including technical, policy, and community level demand side management.

Participatory Planning and Implementation in the Management of Shantou Intertidal Wetland

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The objective of this project is to demonstrate a set of stress reduction measures effective at the Shantou intertidal wetland ecosystem including: -Establishment of institutional arrangements for cross-sectoral and participatory management (cross-sectoral management body and integrated management plan); -Rehabilitation and physical enclosure of some hotspots; -Promotion of environmentally friendly economic activities (silvo-fishery and eco-tourism); and -Development and implementation of awareness raising and capacity building programmes.

Environmental Learning and Stakeholder Involvement as Tools for Global Environmental Benefits and Poverty Reduction

Project Document for CEO Approval
To expand Tajikistan’s capacity to generate global environmental benefits through educating and involving diverse national and local stakeholders in addressing Rio Convention themes. The project will build capacity to use key environmental management tools: "environmental learning" that includes formal and informal education for all sedctors of society; and "stakeholder involvement" that include public awareness, consultation and participation.

SP-SFIF: Sustainable Management of Fish Resources - under the Strategic Partnership for a Sustainable Fisheries Investment Fund in the Large Marine Ecosystems of Sub-Saharan Africa

PIF DocumentPIF Document (Revised)PPG Document (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Request for CEO Endorsement
The fisheries sector in Senegal has experienced an uncontrolled expansion of the number of fishers, boats and gear, leading to an overexploitation of the resource base, with severe implications on food security and economic growth. The objective of the proposed project is to empower local fisher communities to co- manage coastal fisheries resources and to conserve and protect the key habitats that support these resources.

LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management

The goal of the project is to contribute to global benefits through the promotion of SLM initiatives that will enhance and maintain ecosystem productivity and ecological functions through capacity building in and the mainstreaming of SLM. The project objective is to contribute to reversing land degradation trends through the creation of an enabling environment for SLM by developing capacities within appropriate government and civil society institutions/user groups and through mainstreaming SLM considerations into government planning processes in Haiti.

Development of a National Clearing House Mechanism and Assessment of Capacity Building Needs - Add on

Project Document for CEO Approval
The main objective of the national reporting is to assist Malawi monitor the status of implementation of the CBD in the country and to identify gaps and constraints. The First and Second National Biodiversity Reports were completed and submitted to the CBD Secretariat in January 1999 and May 2001, respectively.