Mesoamerican Biological Corridor

PDF BPDF-A DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The proposed project would promote conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity through the establishment of biological corridors in southeastern Mexico (states of Campeche, Chiapas, Qintana Roo, Tabasco, and Yucatan). The corridors will foster the equilibrium of land and coastal ecosystems, within a sustainable development approach. In addition to biodiversity significance, the proposed corridors will be selected to optimize connectivity among protected areas.

Development of Mnazi Bay Marine Park

Project Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Document for WP
This GEF Project provides the additional funding for the development of a multi-purpose Marine Protected Area around the globally significant marine biodiversity values of the Mnazi Bay and Rovuma River estuary areas in southern Tanzania. This is Tanzania’s second Marine Park. In keeping with Marine Park philosophy in Tanzania, the sustainable use of marine resources by communities, as well as biodiversity conservation, is emphasized. This is designed as 54-month project including an initial participatory planning phase followed by an implementation phase.

Enabling China to Prepare Initial National Communication to the UNFCCC

First National Communication to UNFCCCPDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The principal aim of the project is to enable China to comply with her obligations related to Article 4.1, and other relevant commitments, specified in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including submission of her Initial National Communication. The aims of the project are therefore to generate, analyze and communicate information relevant to the preparation and submission of China’s Initial National Communication (particularly in accord with Art. 4.1 and Art.

Co-generation of Electricity and Steam Using Sugarcane Bagasse and Trash

PDF-C DocumentProject DocumentProject Document for WP
This project aims at reducing Cuba’s energy-related CO2-emissions by removing barriers to the substitution of sugarcane bagasse and trash for fuel oil in power and steam co-generation. This will be achieved by demonstrating the technical, economic and financial viability to establish companies in the vicinity of sugar mills to co-generate steam and power by using biomass-fired high-pressure condensing-extraction steam turbine technology.

Wind Power Market Development Initiative

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPDF BProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The project will promote the development of the wind energy market in Kazakhstan by removing the existing barriers to and reducing the implementation costs of wind energy projects by: (a) assisting the government to formulate a cross-sectoral national wind energy program; (b) providing information for and building the local capacity to develop wind energy projects and to organize financing for them (including site “mapping” and expansion of the wind speed measurement program); (c) facilitating the construction of the first “demonstration” wind farm to prepare ground for and reduce the risks of

Methane Capture and Use (Landfill Demonstration Project

PDF BProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The proposed Methane Gas Capture Project would provide support to an existing project on solid waste management (Second Solid Waste Management Project [Ln. 3752-ME]) to enable the internalization of the global dimension of landfill gas capture and use. Specifically, the GEF support would be used to provide the financial and technical assistance required to demonstrate self-sustaining modern waste management of municipal solid waste that includes capture and use of landfill gas.

Metro Manila Urban Transport Integration Project - Marikina Bikeways Project Component

Concept NotePDF BPDF-A DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project ConceptProject Document for WP
Promote expanded use of non-motorized transport as an alternative to fossil-fuel burning motorized transport by providing facilities (bike lanes and paths, parking, awareness and safety campains) for bicycle transport in the city of Marikina, Metro Manila.

Krakow Energy Efficiency Project

PDF BProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The objectives of the GEF project are to: (i) facilitate the participation of local banks in financing the ESCO component of the proposed IBRD project, by reducing the credit risks for eligible ESCO clients and extending loans directly to these clients; and (ii) facilitate the implementation of energy efficiency measures having payback periods extending beyond the ESCO financing terms.

Rural Energy for Development

Cover Letter from IAPDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Appraisal Document TOCProject Document for WP (Part 1)Project Document for WP (Part 2)Project Document for WP (Part 3)
The project (which GEF would help co-finance) is being prepared as an WB/GEFR Strategic Partnership Adaptable Program Loan (APL) to be implemented over a ten year period through an anticipated 3 tranches. It will consist of the investment components described below and will also include significant capacity building and technical assistance.