WB-GEF POL Ningbo Water and Environment Project - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Concept and PDF-B Document (Revised)
The proposed project would fall under the World Bank/GEF East Asia Land-Based Pollution Reduction Investment Fund Project (the Partnership Fund), presently under preparation. Objective of the Fund is to reduce local, national and trans-boundary degradation of East Asia’s marine ecosystems due to land-based pollution.

SFM Rehabilitation and Sustainable Use of Peatland Forests in South-East Asia

PDF completion reportPDF-B DocumentPIF Document (Revised)Project Concept and PDF-B Document (Revised)Request for CEO Endorsement rev
The goal of the project is to reverse the loss and degradation of peatlands in South East Asian countries to avoid negative impacts on socio-economy, health and environment through capacity building and sustainable peatland management practices. The Objecties are to strengthen capacity at regional and national levels for sustainable peatland management; minimize the degradation of peatlands in South east Asia; rehabiliotate and sustainably manage targeted peatlands; and enhance the livelihood of local communities through sustainable peatland management.

Participatory Coastal Zone Restoration and Sustainable Management in the Eastern Province of Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka

AnnexesExecutive Summary (Revised)PDF Evaluation ReportProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Concept and PDF-B Document (Revised)Project Document for WPRequest for CEO Endorsement
This grant is fully blended in the IFAD loan entitled, “Post Tsunami Coastal Restoration and Coastal Communities Resource Management Programme.” The long-term goal of the project is to rehabilitate tsunami-affected ecosystems in Sri Lanka to provide full ecosystem services including adaptation against extreme climatic events.

Biodiversity Conservation in Productive Forestry Landscapes

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive Summary (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Concept and PDF-B DocumentProject Concept and PDF-B Document (Revised)Project Document for WP (Revised)Request for CEO Endorsement
The projects development objective would be to reduce rural poverty and support economic growth through improved plantation productivity and management with enhanced consideration of the environmental values and services of Argentina’s ecosystems. The projects global objective would be to mainstream biodiversity conservation into plantation forestry practices in Argentina.

SIP PROGRAM: Strategic Investment Program for SLM in Sub-Saharan Africa (SIP)

Executive Summary (Revised)Executive Summary--Project ConceptOne-time Cancellation letterPDF-B DocumentProject Concept (Revised-2)Project Document for WP (Revised)project document
The SIP aims to optimize natural resource use at the landscape level in SSA countries by integrating and implementing SLM across sectors, assisted by the knowledge, analytical, and policy support of the World Bank (in association with TerrAfrica partners) and a programmatic envelope of well-informed, sequenced investments. SIP is modeled upon guidance pioneered by several WB/GEF Strategic Partnerships, including the Black Sea-Danube Partnership Investment Fund, the SSA Fisheries Partnership, and other recent GEF programmatic efforts such as the China Biodiversity Partnership, and CACILM.

WB/GEF POL: Coastal Cities Environment and Sanitation Project - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPDF-B Document (Revised2)PIF Document (Revised)Project Concept and PDF-B Document (Revised)
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to demonstrate an innovative waste water treatment technology to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the city of Quy Nhon in a financially and environmentally sustainable manner. The project will contribute to improving the health and habitat conditions of the marine and coastal ecosystems of Vietnam.

WB/GEF POL: Manila Third Sewerage Project (MTSP) - under WB/GEF Partnership Investment Fund for Pollution Reduction in the LME of East Asia

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPDF Evaluation ReportPDF-B DocumentPDF-B Document (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Concept (Revised)
The Metro Manila area has a concentration of population of 12 million people, and practically all the sewage is discharged without treatment. The Manila Bay, Pasig River, and the Laguna Lake represent three key water bodies of socio-economic importance to the country, all exhibiting varying degrees of environmental degradation. These water bodies reflect the general state of Philippine waters, which are seriously confronted with untreated domestic sewage contamination problems.

SFM VIETNAM Country Program Framework for Sustainable Forest Land Management (COUNTRY PROGRAM)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPDF-B DocumentProgram DocumentProject Concept (Revised)
The overall objective of the porgram is to halt and reverse the trend of forest and forest land degradation, restore and maintain the function of forest ecosystems to realize local and global environmental benefits, and increase the capacity of institutions to support, and land users to invest in, sustainable forest land management.