SIP: Catchments and Landscape Management

PIF Document (Revised)PPG DocumentProject Concept and PDF-B Document
To address the interlinked problems of poverty, food insecurity, land degradation, and biodiversity loss, through the development and promotion of innovative sustainable land management technologies and land use planning approaches with the aim of restoring, sustaining and enhancing the productive and protective functions of Eritrea’s ecosystem resources.

SIP: Community-Based Integrated Natural Resources Management in Lake Tana Watershed

3367 TEEndorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document (Revised)Project Concept and PDF-B Document
To increase household incomes through sustainable land management practices in the Lake Tana Watershed
(LTW). Simultaneously, improvements to ecosystem function will be beneficial for biodiversity conservation and will protect against
negative climate change impacts. The project’s immediate objective will lead to global environmental benefits as a result of reduced
land degradation.

SIP: Participatory Integrated Watershed Management Project (PIWAMP)

PIF Document (Revised)PPG Document (Revised)
To address the interlinked problems of rural poverty, food insecurity, and land degradation, through the development and promotion of innovative sustainable land management technologies and community-based participatory watershed/landscape management planning approaches, with the aim of restoring, sustaining and enhancing the productive and protective functions of The Gambia’s upland and lowland ecosystem resources.