SIP: Community Driven SLM for Environmental and Food Security

PIF Document (final)Project Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Request for CEO EndorsementSTAP Review
The blended operation is aimed at sustained poverty reduction and improved local governance through empowering communities and local governments, to improve natural resource and ecosystem management, and to raise levels of health, education, and food security, thereby stimulating economic growth. These goals will be achieved through local-level capacity-building efforts and implementation of demand-driven micro-projects.

SIP: Agricultural and Rural Rehabilitation and Development Initiative (ARRDI)

3383 - TE English Summary3383 Review3383 TEPIF and PPG Document (Revised)PPG Document (Revised)
: To overcome the causes and negative impacts of land degradation on the structure and functional integrity of the Maradi region’s ecosystem resources through addressing the barriers and bottlenecks to scaling up successful sustainable land management technologies