DSSA Malaria Decision Analysis Support Tool (MDAST): Evaluating Health Social and Environmental Impacts and Policy Tradeoffs

The development objective of this project is to protect human health and the environment by promoting sustainable malaria control strategies that are consistent with the successful implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs).

CPP Namibia: Enhancing Institutional and Human Resource Capacity Through Local Level Coordination of Integrated Rangeland Management and Support (CALLC)

Project Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)
The goal of the project is to improve natural resources based livelihoods, ecosystem stability, functions and services in the Ohangwena, Omusati, Oshana and Oshikoko Regions. The objective of the project is to create an enabling environment (knowledge, skills, capacity, and policies) for the adoption of sustainable land management and practices in the Ohangwena, Omusati, Oshana and Oshikoko Regions.

CPP Namibia: Sustainable Land Management Support and Adaptive Management Project (NAM SLM SAM)

PDF Evaluation ReportProject Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Request for CEO Endorsement
The overall goal of the CPP is to combat land degradation using integrated cross sectoral approaches which enable Namibia to reach its MDG #7: "environmental sustainability" and assure the integrity of dryland ecosystems and ecosystem services. The CPP has two inter-related objectives: Objective 1: Capacity at systemic, institutional and individual level built and sustained, ensuring cross-sectoral and demand driven coordination and implementation of SLM activities.

The GEF Earth Fund (formerly GEF Public-Private Partnership Fund)

EFPIF IADB: Mechanisms for Watershed ProtectionEFPIF IFC: Earth Fund PlatformEFPIF UNEP: Global Market Trans. Effic. Light.EFPIF UNEP: Greening Cocoa Industry - Market Tran.EFPIF World Bank: Private Partnership PlatformEarth Fund Board Procedures DocumentExecutive Summary (Revised)PPG DocumentProject Cover NoteRequest for CEO Endorsement
This project will develop innovative financial instruments for public private partnerships with significant global environmental impact and financial leverage in support of a new GEF Public-Private Sector Partnership Fund also known as Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Initiative to be presented to the Council at its June 2007 meeting. The IFC will more generally support the PPP by helping identify, implement, and where possible co-finance innovative financial instruments with global environmental benefits.

LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity Development for Sustainable Land Management in Seychelles

The long term goal to which the project will contribute is: "Sustainable land management is practiced and mainstreamed into national development in Seychelles." This not only reflects the overall, global goal of the UNDP-GEF Targeted Portfolio Project for SLM in LDC and SIDS, of which this project forms part, but also fits into the national Goal of the EMPS, which is: "The promotion, coordination and integration of sustainable development programmes that cut across all sectors of society in the Seychelles".

Assessment and Recommendations on Improving Access of Indigenous Peoples to Conservation Funding

Project Document for CEO Approval
July 16, 2007 The ultimate objective of this project is to improve the enabling conditions to: (i) increase access to conservation funding by Indigenous Peoples and (ii) to conserve biodiversity through the increased participation of Indigenous Peoples in conservation programs worldwide. The proposed MSP addresses the issue of limited access to international conservation funding experienced by Indigenous Peoples.