Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Llanos Ecoregion

PDF-A DocumentProject Document for CEO Approval
The main objective of this project is to contribute to the protection and conservation of the biodiversity of the ecoregion of Los Llanos of Venezuela. FUDENA will develop a set of comprehensive management strategies, an action plan, for conservation of biodiversity in the ecoregion developed through biological and socioeconomic assessments, partnerships with the private sector, and community participation and will implement pilot projects that initiate an evaluation of potential conservation strategies.

Coastal Zone Management along the Gulf of Aden

Project Document for CEO Approval
The project is designed to contribute to the conservation of globally significant coastal and marine biodiversity in threatened pilot sizeable sections of the coastal zone along the Gulf of Aden by promoting an effective and replicable integrated coastal zone management process including the establishment of coastal and marine protected areas based on a strong participation of all the coastal users.

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund (IFC)

Project Concept (Revised)Project Document
The project will provide supplemental funding to a $150-210 million Fund being established by International Finance Corporation (IFC) and other investors. The Fund will make debt and equity investments in private sector projects in the renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) sectors. The Fund will focus primarily on RE and EE projects or project portfolios in the $5-30 million range, a range which is often considered too small, too complex or too risky by institutional investors.

Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management at Cox's Bazar and Hakakuki Haor

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Map 1)Project Document for WP (Map 2)Project Document for WP (Map 3)Project Document for WP (Map 4)Project Document for WP (Map 5)Project Document for WP (Part 1)Project Document for WP (Part 2)Project Document for WP (Part 3)
In recent years, Bangladesh has demonstrated increased determination and commitment to address the chal-lenges of ensuring sustainable use and conservation of its natural resources, including its biodiversity. A number of specific policies, laws, action plans and strategies have been developed in this regard.

Conservation of Biodiversity in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

PDF-B DocumentProject Document for WP (Map)Project Document for WP (Overview)
The global environmental objective of this project, and the program of which it is a part, is to conserve, restore and sustainably use the singular and heterogeneous mosaic of tropical ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The program contains three components: (i) knowledge generation and dissemination; (ii) participation, organizational strengthening and coordination; and (iii) collaborative management and pilot sustainable development projects which includes the establishment of a trust fund to provide competitive grants to communities.

Carbon Sequestration in the Desertified Rangelands of Hossien Abad, South Khorasan, through Community-based Management

PDF AProject Document for CEO Approval
The project would be a model initiative for the dual objectives of ofsetting biotic carbon and promotion of sustainable livelihood through participatory approach in combatting desertification. It would sequestor carbon, at a very high level, in the destertified lands of Hosseinababd through the establishment of a hand planted Haloxylon forest.