Effective Protection with Community Participation of the New Protected Area of San Lorenzo

PDF-A DocumentProject Brief
The project would help to further develop the existing protected area with funding to develop a long-term strategy for conservation. Specific objectives will be to develop and excute plans for protection mgmt., community education, biodiversity compatible income generation for the local communities, and design and implement appropriate legal, financial and instutional frameworks to ensure effectiveness and viability in the area.

Participatory Conservation and Sustainable Development with Indigenous Communities in Vilcabamba

Project Brief
The proposed MSP project would: develop baseline data on biodiversity and demographic and socioeconomic trends in the Vilcabamba Cordillera area; initiate participatory planning with local stakeholders, govt, oil firms and NGOs to improve local living conditions and start ecological zoning; design and establish permanent protected areas emphasizing an indigenous reserve within the reserved zone; develop a master plan for the area and prepare an investment agenda; initiate productive activities and human service provision (health & education).

Control of Invasive Species in the Galapagos Archipelago

PDF AProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The aim of the project is to protect the exceptional biodiversity of the archipelago from the introduction of alien species. It involves the improvement of quarantine systems, research programs on methods of controlling invasions and eradication, animal & plant species eradication pilot programs, the establishment of a $15 m trust fund, with $5 m in financing from the GEF, and awareness-building among populations.

Protected Areas and Wildlife Management Project

Concept NoteOP2 DocumentPDF-B DocumentProject Document for WPProject SummaryScanned Letter of EndorsementScanned Letter of Endorsement (Focal Point)
The development objective of the proposed project is the improved management of Trinidad and Tobago’s protected areas and wildlife resources. Project components would include: (i) establishment of the National Parks and Wildlife Authority; (ii) establishment and management of national parks and other protected areas; and (iii) community development that is compatible with biodiversity conservation. The project’s global objective is to conserve globally important coastal habitats that are included in the "Global 200" ecoregions and are also Ramsar sites.

Landfill Methane Recovery Demonstration Project

PDF-A DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
The project aims to demonstrate self-sustaining modern waste management of municipal solid waste through maximum collection of generated methane, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and creating a revenue stream to cover capital costs and operational costs. The project would demonstrate the feasibilty of developing indigenous landfill gas as an energy source, utilizing an otherwise constant emission of methane into the atmosphere and partially substituting a renewable energy source for imported fossils fuels for electricity generation in Montevideo.

Reversal of Land and Water Degradation Trends in the Lake Chad Basin Ecosystem

Cover Letter from IAEndorsement Letter from GovernmentPDF BPDF CProject Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Document for WP
The extensive Lake Chad Basin is experiencing progressive degradation as processes of desertification and environmental change are accelerated by human demands for the natural resources of the Basin - principally land and water. The riparian countries are unable to overcome the barriers preventing the joint management of the water and environemntal resources of the basin and to address the aggregate impacts of conflicting demands. The stated long term objective of this project is to achieve global environmental benefits through improved management of the basin.