Programme for Phasing Out Ozone Depleting Substances

Project Document for WP (Part 1)Project Document for WP (Part 2)Project Document for WP (Part 3)Project Document for WP (Part 4)Project Document for WP (Part 5)Project Document for WP (Part 6)Project Document for WP (Part 7)
The project is to implement a comprehensive National Programme for Recovery / Recycling of refrigerants in the refrigeration and air conditioning sub-sectors as part of the Refrigerant Management Plan (RMP). Five training seminars for technicians performing repairs, maintenance and installation of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment will be held to familiarize all involved with the RMP and the National Recovery & Recycling Programme. The project will provide 50 recovery equipment and 50 manual recovery pumps and recovery bags to be distributed to the larger CFC-12 users.

Millennium Ecosystem Assesment

PDF-B DocumentProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (PartProject Document for WP (Part 1)Project Document for WP (Part 3)
GEF funding will catalyze global, regional, national and local action to conduct a Global Ecosystem Assessment to help bring the best available information and knowledge on ecosystem goods and services to bear on policy and management decisions. It will also build the capacity at all levels to undertake integrated ecosystem assessments and to act on their findings. Through this process, the project will provide an accurate description of the current extent, trends, pressures, conditions and value of different ecosystems of the world, establishing a clear baseline for the year 2000.

Amazon Region Protected Areas Program (ARPA)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentLetter of SupportPDF BProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WPProject appraisal Document (for CEO Endor) annexes
Project would support expansion and consolidation of strict protected areas in the Amazonian region. Three specific objectives have been identified: (i) identify and create new strict protected areas; (ii) effective establishment of these new areas; and (iii) develop long-term sustainable management tools and mechanisms for effective protection within all Amazonian strict protected areas. The project emerges from a GOB commitment to expand effective strict protection in the Amazon to cover at least 10% (37 million ha) of the biome (370 million ha).

Community Based Conservation in the Bamenda Highlands

Project Document for WP
The objective of the programme is to support the efforts of the Government of Cameroon in general, and the people of the North West Province in particular, to conserve the forest by: raising widespread awareness of forest values; supporting development of management and control systems for sustainable management of forests (capacity building); and providing communities with the capacity to manage resources sustainably (by demonstrating ways of enhancing forest values, and providing advice on ways of sustainably increasing production from land outside the forests).

Caribbean Archipelago Biosphere Reserve: Regional Marine Protected Area System

PDF-A DocumentProject Document for WPProject Document for WP (Revised)Scanned CEO Letter and Comments
The proposed MSP would support conservation of critical habitats in the Archipelago as a means to protect and restore species diversity, sustainable marine and coastal resource use, and equitable benefit distribution to local populations. Achievement of these objectives is vital to the survival of the native culture, both socially and economically.

Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Andes Region

PDF BProject Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project BriefProject Concept DocumentProject Document for WPProject ReviewScanned Letter Of Endorsement
Project would support the implementation of the National Biodiversity Plan and assist in application of its key strategies (conservation, sustainable and equitable use and improved knowledge of biological resources) in the critical Andes region.

Choco-Andean Corridor

PDF-A DocumentProject Document for WPProject Document for WP (Revised)
The proposed MSP project would help to preserve the threatened biodiversity of the Southern section of the Choco-Andean ecosystems. Project goals would include: (i) enhance effectiveness of the existing protected natural areas; (ii) secure functional connectivity between 2 major ecosystems of NW Ecuador the Choco bioregion and the Andean Cloud forests; (iii) increase awareness of local communities; (iv) investigate and promote environmentally sustainable methods; and (v) influence regional and national policies to support sustainability.

Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants in Arid and Semi-arid Ecosystems

Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP (Part 1)Project Document for WP (Part 2)Project Document for WP (Part 3)
The objective of the project is to conserve globally significant medicinal plant species and associated habitats in St Katherine’s Protectorate as follows: (1) foreclose the use of critically endangered medicinal plant species in hotspots; (2) introduce small-scale community-based cultivation, processing and medicinal plant marketing to relieve pressure from wild sources in orchards and gardens; (3) introduce best practices for wild medicinal plant collection and sustainable collection levels throughout the protectorate; (4) promote alternative energy sources in demonstration areas; (5) disper

Northern Savanna Biodiversity Conservation (NSBC) Project

Project Appraisal Document (TOC)Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Document for WP
In Ghana, as elsewhere in Africa, savanna woodlands provide valuable environmental services, are a crucial refuge for native biodiversity, and also protect soil and water resources against degradation. About 70% of Ghana’s total supply of firewood and charcoal, estimated at 16 million m3, comes from savanna zones, which also provide medicinal plants (the primary source of healthcare to residents) roofing grasses, fencing poles, bush meat and fruits. The northern savannas are a source of important farmer crop varieties (cereals, roots/tubers and legumes).