Capacity Building and On-the-Ground Investments for Integrated and Sustainable Land Management

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The Development Objective is to overcome the existing policy inconsistencies and disconnect between the policy framework for land management and actual needs of land-users by initiating participatory dialogue with involvement of the key line ministries, local government and local land users. The main policy document that sets the framework and identifies the priorities in the management of land resources is the National Action Programme for UNCCD implementation.

Ensuring Impacts from SLM - Development of a Global Indicator System

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The goal of the KM: Land initiative is tocontribute to enhancing ecosystem integrity, stability, functions and services through GEF-supported sustainable land management activities. The overall objective of the KM: Land program is to strengthen the capacity for adaptive management of SLM projects in order to enhance their effectiveness and impact on ecosystem integrity, stability, functions and services in the context of national development priorities.

Accruing Multiple Global Benefits through Integrated Water Resources Management/ Water Use Efficiency Planning: A Demonstration Project for Sub-Saharan Africa

PDF-A DocumentProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The Government of Botswana (GoB) requires assistance to facilitate the development of processes, procedures, methods and options for full integration of water resources management and development options across all sectors. In particular, support is needed to identify and develop water efficiency and conservation options to respond to the problem of increasing water scarcity and the need to balance the allocation and use of water resources among different users and uses.

Promotion of Strategies to Reduce Unintentional Production of POPs in the PERSGA Coastal Zone

The project will reduce and/or eliminate UP-POPs in key sectors of industry (cement, incineration, metallurgy and pulp and paper) recognized as important source categories in Annex C of Article 5 of the Stockholm Convention through the introduction of BAT/BEP strategies in the industrial sector of the coast in the PERSGA eligible member countries.

The Development of a National Implementation Plan for Cape Verde

Project Document for CEO ApprovalProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The POPs enabling activities project will: 1. Prepare the ground for implementation of the Convention in CapeVerde; 2. Assist Cape Verde in meeting its reporting and other obligations under the Convention; and 3. Strengthen Cape Verde’s national capacity to manage POPs and chemicals generally.

Market Transformation for Efficient Biomass Stoves for Institutions and Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
This project seeks to remove market barriers to the adoption of sustainable biomass energy practices and technologies by institutions (schools and hospitals) and small businesses (restaurants, hotels) in rural and urban areas of Kenya by: (i) promoting highly efficient improved stoves, and (ii) establishment of woodlots owned and managed by the institutions and private sector.

A Policy Forum of Power Sector Regulatory Frameworks for On-grid Renewable Energies

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The main objectives of the forum are to 1) promote exchange of experiences and lessons on power sector policy frameworks for grid-connected renewable energy from the respective national contexts; and 2) assist a number of selected developing countries, who are committed to developing RE policy frameworks, to incorporate the best practices of grid-connected renewable energy policies into their national power policy frameworks.

Demonstration project for Phasing-out and Elimination of PCBs and PCB-Containing Equipment

Project Document for CEO Approval
The main objective of this Medium Sized Project (MSP) is to assist the FYR Macedonia to comply with the PCB-related obligations under the Stockholm Convention and at the same time to reduce the releases of PCBs into the environment through enhanced national capacity in the management of PCBs-containing equipment and wastes.

SPWA-CC: Ouagadougou Transport Modal Shift

PIF Document RevisedRequest for CEO Endorsement (Revised)
To improve the efficiency of travel by testing, on a small-scale basis, measures designed to encourage users to forego individual modes of transport in favor of collective transport on Line 3 of the SOTRACO public transport buses and contribute to preparing a clear institutional environment for urban transport. The project will result in GHG emissions reductions from the shift in mode of transport.