Assessment of Capacity Building Needs to Conserve Biological Diversity - Add on

Project Document for CEO Approval
The project objective is to obtain national consensus on the specific mechanisms needed for ongoing capacity building related to the conservation and use of biodiversity in line with the NBSAP, an internal biodiversity training framework analysis, and to coordinate with the National Capacity Needs Self-Assessment for Global Environmental Management (NCSA) currently being implemented in collaboration with UNDP

Energy Efficiency Improvements in the Indian Brick Industry

PDF-A DocumentProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
To improve the energy efficiency in the brick production and thereby the GHG emission intensity of the industry and the overall emissions as compared to a business as usual scenario in India, through the adoption of new and improved technologies for production and use of resource efficient bricks in the country.

Development of National Implementation Plans for the Management of Persistent Organic Pollutants - Bulgaria "add-on"

National Implementation PlanProject Document for CEO Approval
Bulgaria is one the 12 pilot countries participating in the pilot project "Development of National Implementation Plans for the Management of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)". The project was part of the work program approved by the May 2001 Council meeting. That same meeting also approved the Guidelines for POPs enabling activities. This proposal is for an add-on that would allow Bulgaria to complete the work needed to finalise its NIP. This add-on requested by Bulgaria was envisaged at time of WP approval and CEO endorsement.

Improved Conservation and Governance for Kenya Coastal Forest Protected Area System

GEFSEC comments and response matrix
This MSP addresses the sustainable conservation and management of one specific sub-set of the Protected Area system of Kenya: the coastal forests. Following Strategic Priority BD 1 guidance the project focuses on institutional support and capacity development for the stakeholders involved in the Coastal Forest Eco-Region, one of the world’s most threatened biodiversity global hotspots.

Development of National Biodiversity CHM - Add On

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
Objective1: To promote further development of the national CHM through improvement of biodiversity information exchange under the priority thematic programs and cross-cutting issues; Objective 2: To identify priority thematic databases (information systems), to be compiled by integration of the already existing thematic datasets on the basis of common standards and formats, and to establish their linkage to the Web in order to facilitate fast public access to the information.

Zambia Biological Diversity Enabling Activity (Add On)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
The six goals of the NBSAP define the country’s priorities in the area of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of biological resources. The approved NBSAP Goals and Objectives are the following: Goal 1: Ensure the conservation of a full range of Zambia’s natural ecosystems through a network of protected areas of viable size.

Updating of NBSAP, Preparation of 2nd National Reports, and Establishment of a National Clearing House Mechanism (CHM)

Project Document for CEO Approval (Revised)
To support the implementation of the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity by enabling DPR Korea to update the information in the NBSAP in the areas of assessment of capacity building needs and national priorities, to develop a workable National CHM and undertake a Second National Report to the COP.

Regional Framework for Sustainable Use of the Rio Bravo

2860_2019_PIR_UNEP_BravoGEF - IW - 2860 - Bravo - PIR 2022PIF Document (Revised)
To formulate a comprehensive, binational, ecosystem-based action programme(SAP) based on the principles of integrated water resources management, for the sustainable management and use of the Rio Bravo throughout its basin, and to create the necessary enabling social-economic and policy mechanisms for implementing the agreed action programme and engendering the neccesary reforms.

Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Tourism through the Development and Dissemination of Best Practices

Endorsement LetterProject Document for CEO ApprovalTracking Tools
The goal of this project is to mainstream biodiversity conservation in the tourism industry in Belize and Ecuador, two of the world’s most biodiverse countries, in order to secure local, national and global environmental benefits.