Sustainable Energy Development Project (SEDP)

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive Summary (Revised)Project Concept (Revised)Project Document for WP (Revised)
: The overall goal of the project is to strengthen and consolidate the Rwandan Renewable Energy market. The PDO for SEDP is:
• Improve policy and institutional framework of the Renewable Energy and Energy efficiency sub-sectors
• Increase Private sector Participation in the Renewable Energy Sector
The key Global performance indicator is: avoided carbon dioxide emissions. Total estimated emission reductions from the activities addressing the capacities of RE facilities during the projects life are estimated at 0.63 million metric tons of CO2, over the lifetime of the systems.

Electricity Sector Efficiency Improvement Project

2921-P098742-WB-TE-GuineaEndorsement Letter from GovernmentExecutive Summary (Revised)Project Concept (Revised)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The main objective of the GEF project is to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by improving energy efficiency through a comprehensive approach that addresses technical efficiency in distribution, technical assistance for improved generation efficiency. Demand Side Management/efficiency programs designed for end-use customers.

Fisheries Revitalization Project (FRP)

Executive Summary (Revised)Project Concept (Revised)Project Document for WP (Revised)
The overall development object of Program Nelayan is the reduction of poverty in rural coastal communities in participating districts, through the sustainable utilization and collaborative management of coastal ecosystems. The global environment objective (as a result of GEF support under the alternative scenario) is to promote improved conservation of critical coastal habitats and the globally significant species dependent upon them, throughout Indonesia.

Development, Empowerment and Conservation in the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park and Surrounding Region

2924 ICRPIF Document (Revised)PPG Document (Revised)Request for CEO Endorsement
The project development objective (PDO) is to improve access to information needed to select the best feasible option for maintaining the availability of fresh water of adequate quality to the Lake St Lucia System , a wetland of global biodiversity importance, and to increase access among local communities to conservation compatible economic opportunities.

This PDO will contribute to a long term goal of improving the ecosystem functioning of the Lake St Lucia System to conserve wetland habitats of global importance.

Environmentally Sound Management and Disposal of Obsolete POPs Pesticides and Other POPs Wastes

2926 TEPIF Document (Revised)PPG Document (Revised)STAP Review
The project will enable environmentally sound management and disposal of targeted obsolete POPs pesticides and associated wastes in fulfillment of China’s commitments under the Stockholm Convention. The presence of geographically dispersed stockpiles of obsolete POPs pesticide waste and PCDD/PCDF rich incinerator fly ash presents an ongoing pathway risk to environmental receptors, especially groundwater and surface water resources. The scale of this risk and its global consequences make it a uniquely Chinese issue with significant transboundary impact.

Environmentally Sustainable Management of Medical Waste in China

Executive Summary (Revised)GEF ID-2927_GFCPR07008-104036_Evaluation report quality reviewGEF ID-2927_GFCPR07008-104036_TE report 2017Project Appraisal Document (for CEO Endorsement)Project Concept and PDF-B Document (Revised)Project Document for WP (Revised)Request for CEO Endorsement
The objective of the project is to minimize the generation and emissions of unintentionally produced POPs (principally PCDDs/PCDFs) from the medical waste treatment sector. The project will simultaneously explore ways to reduce emissions of other POPs and globally harmful contaminants generated by the medical waste sector, such as hexachlorobenzene (HCB), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), mercury, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).

Reducing Conflicting Water Uses in the Artibonite River Basin through Development and Adoption of a Multi-focal Area Strategic Action Programme

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document (Revised)Project Concept and PDF-B DocumentSTAP Review
To establish a bi-national framework for integrated management of the Artibonite watershed by 2012 that will promote comprehensive, ecosystem-based reforms, demonstrations and investments, and lay the bases for long-term environmental functionality and socio-economic stability.

Adaptation to Climate Change through Effective Water Governance

Executive Summary (Revised)Project Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Concept and PDF-B Document (Revised)Project Document for WP (Revised)Request for CEO Endorsement
The project objective is to reduce Ecuador’s vulnerability to climate change through increased adaptive capacity for the effective water resources management in a changing climate and improved access to timely and accurate climate data.

Alternatives to DDT Usage for the Production of Anti-fouling Paint

AnnexesExecutive Summary (Revised)PDF B Implementation Report RevisedProject Appraisal Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Project Concept and PDF-B Document (Revised)Project Document for WP (Revised)Request for CEO Endorsement
China is still using DDT in anti-fouling paint; a usage that was long abandoned in other parts of the world and for which no exemption exists under the Stockholm Convention on POPs. China is the only country that has reported such usage. The amount of DDT in anti-fouling paint is approximately 5% by weight, leading to an estimated release to the environment of 250 tons of DDT per annum. Most of the antifouling paint that does not contain DDT (about half) is TBT-based, a usage addressed by the IMO convention.

SFM Catalyzing the Contribution of Indigenous Lands to the Conservation of Brazil's Forest Ecosystems

Endorsement Letter from GovernmentPIF Document (SFM)PPG Document
Project Objective: The project will catalyze the consolidation of Indigenous Lands (ILs) as essential protected areas for the conservation of biodiversity in Brazilian forest ecosystems and as a constituent part of the National Protected Areas Plan and Indigenous Peoples Environmental Management Policies. To that end, the project will put in place a ground-tested and officially recognized strategy for environmental management in Indigenous Lands (IL) by Indigenous Peoples (IP) for the effective conservation and sustainable use of forest biodiversity.